Page 275 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 275


                                 Organic Chemistry

                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Organic chemistry and          ƒ  Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes   ƒ  Alkenes
               organic compounds                ƒ  Nomenclature of organic        ƒ  Ethene
              ƒ  Modern definition of organic     compounds: general rules for    ƒ  Alkynes
               chemistry                          IUPAC nomenclature              ƒ  Ethyne
              ƒ  Unique (or versatile) nature   ƒ  Naming an organic              ƒ  Alcohols
               of carbon                          compound from its formula       ƒ  Structural and electronic
              ƒ  Types of organic compounds     ƒ  Structural formula from the      formulae of some alcohols
              ƒ  Structure and isomerism          name of a compound              ƒ  Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol,
              ƒ  Structural isomerism           ƒ  Alkanes                          C H OH)
              ƒ  Functional groups              ƒ  Methane                        ƒ  Carboxylic acids
              ƒ  Homologous series              ƒ  Ethane                         ƒ  Ethanoic acid (or acetic acid)
              ƒ  Hydrocarbons                   ƒ  Physical and chemical
                                                  properties of ethane

                                        Highlight the past and   TOPIC-WISE             Provide the first step in
               BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   ASSIGNMENTS            testing your learning

                                        Help develop your                               Enable you to measure
               ILLUSTRATIVE             understanding for the   LET US ANSWER SOME      your conceptual
               QUESTIONS                topics studied         MORE QUESTIONS           understanding

               QUESTIONS FROM           Help you to practise your   LET US SAY IT AGAIN  Helps you to reflect back
               BOARD PAPERS             exam skills                                     on what you have learned
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