Page 103 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 103

Study of Acids, Bases and Salts                                                                       89

                                      Let us Answer Some More Questions

             1.  &GſPG      C  CP CEKF      D  C DCUG      E  C UCNV
             2.   C   *QY CTG CEKFU ENCUUKſGF!
                 (b)  Give two examples of each class of acids.
             3.  (a)  Give the names and formulae of three oxoacids.
                 (b)  Give a chemical equation describing the preparation of an oxoacid of phosphorus.
             4.  Illustrate by giving suitable reactions the preparation of more volatile acids by the action of less volatile acid on
                the salt of the former.
             5.  Give balanced chemical equations regarding the preparation of the following acids by two different methods.
                Also name the method used in each case.
                (a) Sulphuric acid
                (b) Nitric acid
                (c) Hydrochloric acid
                (d) Phosphoric acid
             6.  Carry out the following conversions by writing the balanced equations.

                 Iron(II) sulphide  o Hydrogen sulphide  o           Sulphur        o      Sulphuric acid
                       F o                                                                        o
                 Iron(II) chloride  E  o  Iron(II) oxide     D  o   Iron(II) hydroxide   C  o  Iron(II) sulphate
             7.  Write balanced chemical equations to prepare each of the following salts by a different method. Also state the
                method used.
                (a) Sodium chloride
                (b) Iron(II) chloride
                (c) Lead chloride
                (d)  Anhydrous ferric chloride
                (e) Ammonium sulphate
             8. Give reasons.
                (a)  Ferric chloride is stored in airtight bottles.
                (b)  When exposed to air, Glauber’s salt loses mass, whereas quicklime gains mass.
                (c)  Common salt becomes sticky during rainy season.
                (d)  Anhydrous calcium chloride is used in desiccators.
                (e)  Washing soda crystals become white powder when left exposed to the air.
             9. Name
                (a)  Two bases which are not alkalis
                (b)  A normal salt and an acid salt of the same acid.
                (c)  A salt insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water.
             10.  Give the name and formulae of two acids which are
                (a)  Weak, volatile and dibasic
                (b)  Weak, solid and tribasic
                (c)  Strong, volatile and monobasic
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