Page 161 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 161



                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Electrolytes and               ƒ  Some important terms related   ƒ  Preferential discharge of ions
               nonelectrolytes                    to electrolysis                   at the electrodes
              ƒ  Acids, bases and salts as      ƒ  Electrolysis                   ƒ  Some examples of electrolysis
               electrolytes                     ƒ  Activity series: The relative   ƒ  Applications of electrolysis
              ƒ  Conduction of electricity        reactivities of metals and their   ƒ  Electroplating
               through electrolytes               cations

                                         Highlight the past and
                BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   TOPIC-WISE             Provide the first step in
                                         science                ASSIGNMENTS              testing your learning

                                         Enable you to measure
                LET US ANSWER SOME       your conceptual        QUESTIONS FROM           Help you to practise your
                MORE QUESTIONS           understanding          BOARD PAPERS             exam skills

                                                                Helps you to reflect back
                                       LET US SAY IT AGAIN      on what you have learned
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