Page 195 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 195


                           Atmospheric Pollution

                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Environment and                ƒ  What are the harmful effects   ƒ  Global warming
               environmental pollution            of carbon monoxide              ƒ  The greenhouse effect
              ƒ  The atmosphere                 ƒ  Smog                           ƒ  Ozone depletion
                                                ƒ  Acid rain

                                         Highlight the past and
                BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   TOPIC-WISE             Provide the first step in
                                         science                ASSIGNMENTS              testing your learning

                                         Enable you to measure
                LET US ANSWER SOME       your conceptual        LET US SAY IT AGAIN      Helps you to reflect back
                MORE QUESTIONS           understanding                                   on what you have learned
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