Page 201 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 201

Atmospheric Pollution                                                                                189
          What are the Harmful Effects of Carbon Monoxide

          When fossil fuels are burnt in a limited quantity of air (oxygen), the products
          of combustion are CO (carbon monoxide) and H O.
              For example, when coal is burnt in limited quantity of air, carbon
          monoxide is produced.
                          2C(s)          +       O (g)     o       2CO(g)
                          in coal              Oxygen in air      Carbon monoxide
                                             (limited quantity)
              Carbon monoxide is highly poisonous. It has 200 times more
          af nity for haemoglobin than oxygen. When inhaled, carbon monoxide
          combines with haemoglobin in the blood to form carboxyhaemoglobin.
          Carboxyhaemoglobin cannot carry oxygen. This causes a de ciency of
          oxygen in the heart and brain tissues resulting in suffocation and even
                           Hb            +       CO(g)     o       CO . Hb
                        haemoglobin                            Carboxyhaemoglobin
          How can the carbon monoxide pollution be controlled

          Carbon monoxide pollution can be controlled by the following actions:
            ƒ  By replacing the automobiles  tted with internal combustion engine
               by electrically powered automobiles.
            ƒ  The internal combustion engines should be modi ed to allow complete
               combustion of petrol/diesel. Complete combustion of petrol/diesel
               will produce only CO  and H O vapour. Many automobiles are  tted
               with such engine systems.
            ƒ  By using cleaner fuels, such as compressed natural gas (CNG) or
               liquid natural gas (LNG) or ethanol (alcohol) blended petrol.
            ƒ  By using an automobile   tted with catalytic converter. Catalytic
               converter uses platinum catalyst and work in two stages to eliminate
               the harmful pollutants from the exhaust gases.

              The catalyst platinum (Pt) gets poisoned by heavy metal  e.g., lead
          (present in petrol as tetraethyl lead). To prevent the poisoning of Pt catalyst,
          lead-free petrol should be used.


          The smoke + fog conditions are called smog.
              There are two types of smog:
            ƒ  Chemical smog
            ƒ  Photochemical smog

          What is the chemical smog                                                              Smog

          The chemical smog occurs in cold, humid climate due to the built up of
          sulphur dioxide (SO ) and smoke particulates. Sulphur dioxide in the
          presence of moisture form droplets of sulphurous acid (H SO ).
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