Page 235 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 235

6                           Hard and Soft Water

                                                  BASIC CONCEPTS

          Soft Water
          Water which forms good lather easily with soap or soap solution is called soft water. Soft water does not
          contain any salt of calcium and magnesium.

          Hard Water

          Water which does not form lather with soap or soap solution is called hard water. Hard water forms curdy
          precipitate with soap.
          Hardness of water is due to the presence of dissolved calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, sulphates and
          chlorides in it.

          Types of Hardness of Water

          There are two types of hardness of water: 6GORQTCT[ JCTFPGUU and 2GTOCPGPV JCTFPGUU.
             y  6GORQTCT[ JCTFPGUU  Water is said to be temporary hard when it contains calcium and magnesium
               bicarbonates [or hydrogencarbonates, Ca(HCO ) , Mg(HCO ) ]. This type of hardness can be easily
                                                                           3 2
                                                              3 2
               removed simply by boiling.
                                  Ca(HCO ) (aq)  o CaCO (s)p          +    H O(l) +  CO (g)
                                          3 2
             y  2GTOCPGPV JCTFPGUU  Water is said to be permanent hard when it contains sulphates and chlorides
               of calcium and magnesium, (CaCl , CaSO , MgCl , MgSO ). Permanent hardness cannot be removed
               by boiling. Permanent hardness can be removed by adding washing soda solution (dropwise) to the
                                                   EXPERIMENT 6.1

          To differentiate between hard water and soft water

          Apparatus Required
          Test tubes (2)

          Materials Required

          Soap solution, Two samples of water – one of soft water and the other of hard water. Labelled as sample
          A and sample B.
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