Page 44 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 44

32                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                             Physical change                                     Chemical change
           3.   No energy in the form of heat, light or sound is  3.   A chemical change is always accompanied by the
              absorbed or evolved in a physical change.           absorption or evolution of energy in the form of heat,
                                                                  light or sound.
           4.   The original form of the substance can be obtained  4.   The original substance cannot be obtained by simple
              easily by simple physical methods.                  physical methods.

           5.   Physical change is generally temporary, in the  5.   Chemical change is a permanent change in the
              sense that it can be easily reversed by reversing the   sense that it cannot be reversed by just reversing the
              conditions.                                         conditions.

                                           Changes Involving both Chemical and Physical

                                           There are certain changes which involve both chemical and physical
                                           changes. Some typical examples are described below:
                                             ƒ  Burning of candle. During the burning of a candle, the following
                                                changes occur:

                                                                   Process                        Nature of change
                                               Melting of wax and its resolidi cation             Physical change
                                               Burning of wax to produce CO , H O(g), and light and heat  Chemical change
                                               Burning of thread to give CO , H O(g), and light and heat  Chemical change
                                             ƒ  Heating of zinc hydroxide. When zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH) ) is
                                                heated, the following changes occur:
                                                Š  Decomposition of zinc hydroxide to zinc oxide
                                                    Zn(OH)     o        ZnO    +   H O          Chemical change
                                                Š     ZnO                 ZnO                      Physical change
                                                      (white)            (yellow)
                                             ƒ  Action of heat on sodium nitrate. When sodium nitrate (NaNO ) is
                                                heated, following changes take place:
                                                   Š Melting of sodium nitrate
                                                    NaNO (s)           NaNO (l)                    Physical change
                 Burning of a candle
                                                   Š Decomposition of sodium nitrate to give sodium nitrite (NaNO )
                                                   and oxygen.
                                                   2NaNO (l)  o 2NaNO (s)           +    O (g) Chemical change
                                           Conditions Necessary for a Chemical Reaction to
                                           Take Place
                                           Chemical reactions (or chemical changes) occur under certain conditions.
                                           Some of the conditions found necessary for a chemical reaction or chemical
                                           change to take place are described below.
                                           Close contact

                                           For reactions to occur, the reactants must come in contact with each other.
                                           The reactions in solution phase are quite fast, because the reactants are
                                           able to come in close contact with each other in solutions. For example, solid
                                           NaCl does not react with solid AgNO , but when the aqueous solutions of
                                           the two are mixed, the reaction proceeds immediately.
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