Page 5 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 5


                                            ICSE CHEMISTRY for Class IX

          Salient features of the book
              Based on the latest syllabus of Chemistry prescribed for Class IX by the Council for the Indian School
              Certi cate   aminations   e   elhi
               n informal  interacti e style of presentation
                lar e number of  uestions   ell labelled illustrations and dia rams  and sol ed e amples
               opic end assi nments  hich can be used for class tests or home or
             Bo ed features to the past and future de elopments in science and technolo y are pro ided at appropriate
              places in the te tboo  to pro ide more rele ance to the sub ect described therein
               oint ise summary for a  uic  re ision of contents pro ided at the chapter end

               ost teachers and parents  ould probably a ree  ith us that the boo s selected for any course should
          be the student s ma or   uide  for understandin  and learnin  the sub ect matter   he boo  should be styled
          so as to satisfy the in uisiti e  ro in  mind of the student   he philosophy  ith  hich these boo s ha e
          been prepared is  reatly in uenced by these points
               he te t matter in these boo s ha e been pro rammed  ith the philosophy that
                                                 Reading makes you Prompt

                                                  Writing makes you Precise
                                                  Practice makes you Perfect
               e hope  our fello  teachers and the students for  hom boo s ha e been prepared  ill  nd these
          hi hly useful
           lthou h  e ha e contributed our sincere efforts  hile preparin  the te t of these boo s   e feel there is
          al ays a scope for further impro ement   e  therefore   ould  elcome any su  estion aimed at ma in
          these boo s more effecti e study material

           e are e tremely than ful to our publisher Viva Education for timely presentin  the boo   ith beautiful
          printin  and attracti e style

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