Page 225 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 225


                           Study of Compounds –

                                Hydrogen Chloride

                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Preparation of hydrogen        ƒ  Experiment to show that        ƒ  Tests for hydrogen chloride
               chloride                           hydrogen chloride is heavier      and hydrochloric acid
              ƒ  Laboratory preparation of        than air                        ƒ  Tests for chloride ion (or
               hydrogen chloride                ƒ  Hydrochloric acid [HCl(aq)]      chlorides)

                                         Highlight the past and
                BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   ACTIVITIES             Allow you to explore a
                                         science                                         topic further

                                                                                         Enable you to measure
                TOPIC-WISE               Provide the first step in   LET US ANSWER SOME   your conceptual
                ASSIGNMENTS              testing your learning  MORE QUESTIONS           understanding

                 QUESTIONS FROM          Help you to practise your                       Helps you to reflect back
                 BOARD PAPERS            exam skills            LET US SAY IT AGAIN      on what you have learned
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