Page 236 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 236

222                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10

                                                  Let us say it Again

            —  Nature of HCl. Hydrogen chloride is a covalent compound.
            —  Preparation of hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen chloride can be prepared by the following methods:
                  Reaction between hydrogen and chlorine in diffused sunlight.
                  Action of conc. sulphuric acid on a metal chloride.
                  Action of hot, conc. sulphuric acid on sodium chloride (or common salt).
                  Hydrogen chloride gas is collected by the upward displacement of air.
                  Hydrogen chloride is dried by passing over fused calcium chloride.
            —  Solubility in water. Hydrogen chloride is highly soluble in water. The solution of HCl in water is called hydrochloric acid.
            —  Acidic nature of hydrogen chloride. Hydrogen chloride in the presence of water acts as an acid. It gives all the reactions
                given by acids.
            —  With ammonium hydroxide. HCl gives dense white fumes with ammonium hydroxide.
            —  With silver nitrate. HCl (both gas and solution) gives white curdy precipitate with silver nitrate solution.
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