Page 240 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 240

226                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10

                                           Why cannot conc. sulphuric acid, phosphorus pentoxide
                                           and fused calcium chloride be used for drying ammonia
                                           Ammonia being basic cannot be dried by passing through concentrated
           ŽŶĐ͘ ƐƵůƉŚƵƌŝĐ ĂĐŝĚ͕ ƉŚŽƐƉŚŽƌƵƐ   sulphuric acid or phosphorus pentoxide (P O ) because it reacts with them
          ƉĞŶƚŽdžŝĚĞ ĂŶĚ ĨƵƐĞĚ ĐĂůĐŝƵŵ ĐŚůŽƌŝĚĞ   to form ammonium sulphate and ammonium phosphate, respectively.
          ĐĂŶŶŽƚ ďĞ ƵƐĞĚ ĨŽƌ ĚƌLJŝŶŐ ĂŵŵŽŶŝĂ
          ŐĂƐ͘                                                  2NH (g) +      H SO      o      (NH ) SO  4
                                                                                                      4 2
                        ͻ                                       ammonia       sulphuric acid      ammonium sulphate
          ,ŝŐŚĞƌ ƌĂƟŽ ŽĨ ƐůĂŬĞĚůŝŵĞ ŝƐ ƵƐĞĚ      6NH (s)    +    P O 5    +     3H O     o      2(NH ) PO 4
                                                                                                      4 3
          ƚŽ ƉƌĞǀĞŶƚ ĂŶLJ ůŽƐƐ ŽĨ ĂŵŵŽŶŝƵŵ         ammonia       phosphorus                    ammonium phosphate
          ĐŚůŽƌŝĚĞ ĚƵĞ ƚŽ ƐƵďůŝŵĂƟŽŶ͘                           pentoxide
                                                Anhydrous calcium chloride also cannot be used for drying ammonia
                                           gas because it forms ammoniates with calcium chloride.
                                                                 CaCl    2           0  *  3 (g)  o  CaCl   0* 3
                                                              calcium chloride    ammonia       calcium chloride
                                           How is aqueous ammonia solution prepared
                                           Aqueous solution of ammonia is prepared by dissolving ammonia gas in
                                           water. Ammonia gas is highly soluble in water. So, to avoid back-suction
                                           of water, a funnel-attachment is used for preparing aqueous ammonia.
                                                A glass funnel is attached to the open end of the delivery tube. Mouth
                                           of the funnel is just dipped into the water taken in a container.
                                                Ammonia is highly soluble in water. Since the rate of dissolution of
                                           ammonia is faster than the rate of its formation, low pressure is created
                                           in the funnel. This pressure difference forces the water to rush into the
                                           funnel. As a result, rim of the funnel loses contact with the water and no
                                           OQTG YCVGT ECP DG UWEMGF KPVQ VJG ƀCUM  5KPEG COOQPKC KU DGKPI RTQFWEGF
                                           the pressure of ammonia inside the funnel increases. This forces the water
                                           (rather, the solution of ammonia in water) out. Thus, the funnel attachment
                                           prevents the back-suction of water into the apparatus.

                                           Industrial Preparation of Ammonia—Haber’s Process

              Fig. 9.3  The funnel attachment  How is ammonia manufactured by Haber’s process
                                           Ammonia is prepared on industrial scale by Haber’s process. In this
                                           process, ammonia is produced by direct reaction between nitrogen and
                                                       N (g)    +   3H (g)     U    2NH (g)    –    Heat (= 95.3 kJ)
                                                        1 vol         3 vol            2 vol
                                                The reaction is
                                             ƒ  Reversible
                                             ƒ  Exothermic
                                             ƒ  Proceeds with a decrease in volume.
                                             ƒ  Reaction conditions. According to the Le-Chatelier’s principle, the
                                                favourable conditions for this reaction are
                                                   Š .QY VGORGTCVWTG QH     Ō    u%
                                                   Š *KIJ RTGUUWTG DGVYGGP     Ō     CVO
                                                   Š Higher concentrations of reactants.
                                                   Š Use of a proper catalyst. Finely divided iron with alumina or
                                                   molybdenum as promoter.
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