Page 46 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 46

34                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10

                                           Magnesium Chloride (MgCI )
                                           6JG GNGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP QH OCIPGUKWO CPF EJNQTKPG CVQOU CTG
          dŚĞ ĐŽŵƉŽƵŶĚƐ ŝŶ ǁŚŝĐŚ ƚŚĞ ŝŽŶƐ
          ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƐƟƚƵĞŶƚ ĞůĞŵĞŶƚƐ ĂƌĞ        Magnesium (atomic no. 12)             Chlorine (atomic no. 17)
          ďŽŶĚĞĚ ďLJ ĐŽƵůŽŵďŝĐ ĨŽƌĐĞ ĂƌĞ ĐĂůůĞĚ      No. of electrons = 12                No. of electrons = 17
          ĞůĞĐƚƌŽǀĂůĞŶƚ ;Žƌ ŝŽŶŝĐͿ ĐŽŵƉŽƵŶĚƐ͘
                                             'NGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP              'NGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP
                                                Thus, magnesium atom has two electrons in its valence shell. The
                                           chlorine atom has seven valence electrons. Thus, magnesium has two
                                           GNGEVTQPU  KP  GZEGUU  QH  VJG  PGQP  EQPſIWTCVKQP            CPF  EJNQTKPG  KU  QPG
                                           GNGEVTQP UJQTV QH CTIQP EQPſIWTCVKQP            5Q QPG CVQO QH OCIPGUKWO
                                           will transfer its two valence electrons to two chlorine atoms, (one to each)
                                           CU UJQYP JGTG
                                                                Mg          o           Mg 2+      +       2e –
                                                              magnesium atom          magnesium ion
                                                                (2,8,2)                   (2,8)
                                                                                     PGQP EQPſIWTCVKQP
                                                    2Cl    +     2e         o           2Cl –
                                                chlorine atom                          chloride ion
                                                   (2,8,7)                               (2,8,8)
                                                                                     CTIQP EQPſIWTCVKQP
                                                   Mg 2+   +    2Cl         o        Mg (Cl )      o       MgCl 2
                                                Diagrammatically, formation of magnesium chloride can be shown
                                           as follows.

                                           Calcium oxide (CaO)
                                           Calcium oxide is a compound of calcium (Ca) and oxygen (O). The atomic
                                           number of calcium is 20 and that of oxygen is 8. Calcium is electropositive
                                           (or metallic) element and oxygen is electronegative (nonmetallic) element.
                                                6JG GNGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP QH ECNEKWO KU  K L M N   and of oxygen
                                                                                         2   8     8     2
                                           is   K L  . Calcium atom (Ca) gains stability by losing two electrons, and
                                              2   6
                                           QZ[IGP CVQO D[ ICKPKPI VYQ GNGEVTQPU CU UJQYP DGNQY
                                                                 Ca         o           Ca 2+      +       2e –
                                                               (2,8,8,2)                 (2,8,8)
                                                              calcium atom             calcium ion
                                                                                     CTIQP EQPſIWTCVKQP
                                           and      O      +     2e         o            O 2–
                                                    (2,6)                                 (2,8)
                                                 oxygen atom                            oxide ion
                                                                                     PGQP EQPſIWTCVKQP
                                                   Ca 2+   +    O           o          Ca O        o      CaO
                                                 calcium ion      oxide ion        calcium and oxide ions     calcium
                                                                                  are bonded due to coulombic     oxide
                                                                                     force of attraction
                                                Diagrammatically, formation of calcium oxide can be shown as
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