Page 101 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 101

Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding                                                                 89

          What are the properties of positive rays
            ƒ  Positive rays consist of positively charged particles.
            ƒ  The nature of these rays depends on the gas used in the discharge
            ƒ  These rays travel in straight lines.
            ƒ  These rays get de ected by an electrical   eld and bend towards
               the negative plate. Thus, the de ection of the positive rays is in the
               direction opposite to that shown by the cathode rays.
            ƒ  These rays are also de ected by the magnetic   elds in a direction
               opposite to that of the cathode rays.
            ƒ  These rays can produce mechanical as well as chemical effects.
            ƒ  The ratio of charge (e) to mass (m), i.e., (e/m) for the particles in the
               positive rays is not the same for all gases.
            ƒ  The ratio e/m for the positive rays is very low as compared to the e/m
               value for cathode rays. This shows that the particles in positive rays
               are heavier than the particles in the cathode rays.

          The Proton

          How was the proton discovered

          Goldstein (1886) found that the charge-to-mass (e/m) ratio of the positive
          ray particles depends upon the nature of the gas in the discharge tube, i.e.,   dŚĞ ĐŚĂƌŐĞͲƚŽͲŵĂƐƐ ;e/mͿ ƌĂƟŽ ŽĨ
                                                                                       ƚŚĞ ƉĂƌƟĐůĞƐ ŝŶ ĐĂƚŚŽĚĞ ƌĂLJƐ ;i.e.͕ ŽĨ
          e/m values for the positive rays of different gases are different.  The  e/m   ĂŶ ĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶͿ ǁĂƐ ĨŽƵŶĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ϭϴϰϬ
          value for positive rays was the highest when hydrogen gas was used in        ƟŵĞƐ ůĂƌŐĞƌ ƚŚĂŶ ƚŚĂƚ ĨŽƌ ,  ŝŽŶ͘ dŚŝƐ
          the discharge tube. This is because hydrogen atom is the lightest atom of    ƐŚŽǁĞĚ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƐƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƌƟĐůĞ
          all, i.e., m is the lowest, hence, e/m is the highest.                       ŝŶ ĐĂƚŚŽĚĞ ƌĂLJƐ ŝƐ ϭͬϭϴϰϬ ƟŵĞƐ ƚŚĞ
              The particle in the positive rays when hydrogen gas was used in the      ŵĂƐƐ ŽĨ Ă ŚLJĚƌŽŐĞŶ ĂƚŽŵ͘
          discharge tube, was given the name proton. A proton is produced when
          one electron is removed from a hydrogen atom (H).
                              H       o            H +      +       e –
                         hydrogen atom             proton          electron
              Thus, the proton is a hydrogen ion (H ).
          What are the characteristics of a proton                                     ^ŝŶĐĞ͕ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƐƐ ŽĨ ĂŶ ĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶ ŝƐ ǀĞƌLJ
                                                                                       ƐŵĂůů ;ϭͬϭϴϰϬ  ŽĨ Ă ŚLJĚƌŽŐĞŶ ĂƚŽŵͿ͕
          Proton is a positively charged particle. Its physical characteristics are:   ƚŚĞƌĞĨŽƌĞ͕ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƐƐ ŽĨ Ă ƉƌŽƚŽŶ
            ƒ  Mass of a proton. The mass of a proton is equal to that of a hydrogen   ŝƐ ĂůŵŽƐƚ ĞƋƵĂů ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƐƐ ŽĨ Ă
               atom. Its mass is about 1840 times that of an electron.                 ŚLJĚƌŽŐĞŶ ĂƚŽŵ͘
                      Mass of a proton = 1.676 × 10 –27  kg = 1.676 × 10 –24  g
            ƒ  Charge on a proton. A proton carries a charge equal in magnitude
               but opposite in sign to that carried by an electron. Thus, it has a unit
               positive charge.
                        Charge on a proton = +1.602 × 10 –19  coulombs

          The Neutron

          How was the neutron discovered
          In 1920, Rutherford found that except hydrogen atom, the atomic masses
          of other atoms could not be explained on the basis of only electrons and
          protons. For example, helium atom contains two protons. As a result, the
          atomic mass of helium should be double of a hydrogen atom. From the e/m
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