Page 11 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 11


          1.  The Language of Chemistry                                                                    1–28

                 ƒ Atomic symbols ƒ Valence electrons ƒ Valency ƒ Radicals ƒ Molecule and molecular formula
                 ƒ Writing the molecular formulae of molecular compounds ƒ Writing the formulae of ionic
                 compounds ƒ Chemical equation ƒ Balancing of chemical equations ƒ Atomic mass and relative
                 atomic mass ƒ Molecular mass and relative molecular mass ƒ Composition of a compound

          2.  Chemical Changes and Reactions                                                             29–58

                 ƒ Physical changes ƒ Chemical changes ƒ Changes involving both chemical and physical changes
                 ƒ Conditions necessary for a chemical reaction to take place ƒ Types of chemical reactions (or
                 chemical changes) ƒ Energy changes in chemical reactions ƒ Reactions in which heat is either
                 absorbed or evolved ƒ Reactions in which electrical energy is either absorbed or evolved —
                 electrochemical reactions ƒ Reactions in which light energy is either absorbed or evolved —
                 photochemical reactions ƒ Combustion ƒ Change in mass on burning ƒ How is the balance of
                 carbon dioxide and oxygen maintained in nature ƒ Oxygen cycle ƒ Carbon dioxide cycle

          3. Water                                                                                       59–82

                 ƒ Water — a chemical compound ƒ Water as a solvent ƒ Physical properties of water
                 ƒ The anomalous behaviour of water ƒ Solutions ƒ Air dissolved in water and its biological
                 importance ƒ Solubility ƒ Effect of temperature and pressure on the solubility ƒ Hydrated
                 substances ƒAnhydrous substances ƒ Efflorescence ƒ Hygroscopic substances ƒ Deliquescent
                 substances ƒ Soft water and hard water ƒ Chemical properties of water ƒ Activity series of metals
                 from the action of water on some metals ƒ Importance and uses of water

          4.  Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding                                                    83–116

                 ƒ Electrical nature of matter: Discharge tube experiments ƒ Cathode rays ƒ J. J. Thomson’s
                 experiment and the discovery of electron ƒ Positive rays (anode rays or canal rays) ƒ The proton
                 ƒ The neutron ƒ The structure of atom ƒ Rutherford’s nuclear model of atom ƒ Böhr’s model of
                 atom ƒ Nuclear composition: The atomic nucleus ƒ Valence electrons and valency ƒ Isotopes
                 ƒ Fractional atomic masses ƒ Chemical reactivity and electronic configuration ƒ Octet rule
                 ƒ Electrovalent Bond ƒ Structures of some electrovalent compounds ƒ Covalent Bond ƒ Structures
                 of some covalent compounds and molecules

          5. The Periodic Table                                                                      117–144

                 ƒ Reasons for the classification of elements ƒ Earlier attempts for the periodic classification of
                 elements ƒ Mendeleev's periodic law ƒ Mendeleev's periodic table ƒ Modern periodic law
                 ƒ Modern long form periodic table ƒ Periodicity in properties ƒ Atomic number ƒ Atomic size
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