Page 12 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 12

x                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                  ƒ Valence electrons ƒ Valency ƒ Tendency to lose electrons ƒ Tendency to attract/gain electrons
                  ƒ Metallic and nonmetallic characters ƒ Chemical reactivity ƒ Nature of oxides ƒ Uses of modern
                  periodic table ƒ Alkali metals (Group 1) ƒ Alkaline earth metals (Group 2) ƒ Halogens (Group 17)
                  ƒ Zero group (Group 18)

           6.  Study of the First Element : Hydrogen                                                  145–162

                  ƒ Discovery of hydrogen ƒ Resemblance with alkali metals ƒ Resemblance with halogens
                  ƒ Properties of hydrogen not common to both the alkali metals and halogens ƒ Isotopes of
                  hydrogen ƒ Preparation of hydrogen ƒ Laboratory preparation of hydrogen ƒ Manufacture of
                  hydrogen gas ƒ Oxidation ƒ Oxidising agent ƒ Reduction ƒ Reducing agent ƒ Oxidation–Reduction
                  is reciprocal ƒ Physical and chemical properties of hydrogen ƒ Uses of hydrogen

           7.  Study of Gas Laws                                                                      163–182

                  ƒ Physical characteristics of gases ƒ Measurable parameters of gases ƒ Boyle’s law (pressure-volume
                  relationship) ƒ Charles’ law (volume- temperature relationship) ƒ Charles’ law and the absolute
                  (Kelvin) temperature scale ƒ Relationship between Kelvin scale and Celsius scale of temperature
                  ƒ Ideal gas equation ƒ Standard temperature and pressure (STP) and normal temperature and
                  pressure (NTP)

           8. Atmospheric Pollution                                                                   183–202

                  ƒ Environment and environmental pollution ƒ The atmosphere ƒ What are the harmful effects of
                  carbon monoxide ƒ Smog ƒ Acid rain ƒ Global warming ƒ The greenhouse effect ƒ Ozone depletion

               Chemistry Practicals                                                                   203–234

                  1.  Recognition and Identification of Gases                                           204
                  2.  Action of Heat on Some Substances or Salts                                        208
                  3.  Action of Dilute Sulphuric Acid on a Substance                                    215
                  4.  Flame Test                                                                        218
                  5.  Percentage Composition of a Mixture                                               220

                  6.  Hard and Soft Water                                                               223
                  7.  Soaps and Detergents                                                              228
                  8.  Water Pollution and the Quality of Water                                          230
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