Page 153 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 153

The Periodic Table                                                                                   141
            Ans.  (a)   The electronic con gurations of potassium and lithium are shown alongside. The valence electron of
                   potassium is in the 4th shell while that of lithium is in the                   K     L     M     N
                   2nd shell. Thus, the valence electron in potassium is less   Potassium (atom no. 19) 2      8      8       1
                    rmly bound to the nucleus. So, it is easier to remove electron
                   from the valence shell of potassium than from lithium. As a   Lithium (atomic no. 3)  2      1
                   result, potassium is more reactive than lithium.
                 (b)   The electronic con gurations of  uorine and chlorine are shown alongside. Both these elements attain stable
                   con gurations by gaining one electron each. Fluorine atom is                         K       L       M
                   smaller than chlorine. So,  uorine has a greater tendency to   Fluorine (atom no. 9)       2        7
                   gain an electron than chlorine. As a result, ƀWQTKPG KU OQTG
                   reactive than chlorine.                                  Chlorine (atomic no. 17)      2        8        7
            Q.5.  For each of the following groups, name the element with the characteristics speci ed below:
                                Element             Least atomic diameter    Chemically least reactive
                                 (i)  F, Cl, Br              —                         —
                                (ii)  Li, Na, K              —                         —

            Ans.                Element             Least atomic diameter    Chemically least reactive
                                 (i)  F, Cl, Br              F                         Br
                                (ii)  Li, Na, K              Li                        Li

            Q.6.  Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl , which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most
                likely be in the same group of the periodic table as
                 (a)  Na             (b) Mg                   (c)  Al                 (d)  Si              (e) P
            Ans.  From the information given, the compound XCl  is an ionic compound.
                 The element X must have lost two electrons to form XCl . So, X belongs to group 2. Therefore, the element X lies
                in the same group as magnesium (Mg). So, the answer (b) is correct.
            Q.7.  (a)   Lithium, sodium, potassium are all metals that react with water to liberate hydrogen gas. What, if anything,
                   do atoms of each of these elements have in common?
                 (b)   Helium is an unreactive gas and neon is a gas of extremely low reactivity. What, if anything, do their atoms
                   have in common?
            Ans.  (a)  Atoms of these elements tend to lose electrons to reduce hydrogen in water to free hydrogen gas.
                 (b)  Both helium and neon have their outermost shells completely  lled with electrons.

                                      Let us Answer Some More Questions

             1.  Write a typical Dobereiner’s triad.

             2.  State the law of octaves as given by Newlands.
             3.  What was the basis of Mendeleev’s classi cation of elements?
             4.  Why did Mendeleev leave a few gaps in his periodic table?
             5.  State the modern periodic law.

             6.  What is the basis of the classi cation of elements in the modern periodic table?
             7.  By which common name are the elements of Group IA and Group VIIA called?
             8.  Name an element which is (a) most metallic (b) most nonmetallic
             9.  How is the position of an element in the periodic table related to the number of valence electrons?
             10.  What is meant by horizontal relationship between the elements in the periodic table?

             11.  To which electronic shell would an incoming electron go in the case of elements belonging to
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