Page 157 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 157


                    Study of the First Element :


                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Discovery of hydrogen          ƒ  Isotopes of hydrogen           ƒ  Reduction
              ƒ  Resemblance with alkali        ƒ  Preparation of hydrogen        ƒ  Reducing agent
               metals                           ƒ  Laboratory preparation of      ƒ  Oxidation–Reduction is
              ƒ  Resemblance with halogens        hydrogen                          reciprocal
              ƒ  Properties of hydrogen not     ƒ  Manufacture of hydrogen gas    ƒ  Physical and chemical
               common to both the alkali        ƒ  Oxidation                        properties of hydrogen
               metals and halogens              ƒ  Oxidising agent                ƒ  Uses of hydrogen

                                         Highlight the past and                          Allow you to explore a
                BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   ACTIVITIES             topic further

                                                                                         Enable you to measure
                TOPIC-WISE               Provide the first step in   LET US ANSWER SOME   your conceptual
                ASSIGNMENTS              testing your learning  MORE QUESTIONS           understanding

                                                                Helps you to reflect back
                                       LET US SAY IT AGAIN      on what you have learned
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