Page 189 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 189

Study of Gas Laws                                                                                    177
                                          101325 × (22.414 × 10 )
                                    R =                           N m mol  K  –1
                                       = 8.314 J mol  K –1
              The value of the universal gas constant (R) in SI units is
          8.314 J mol  K .
              Values of the universal gas constant (R) in different units are recorded
                    Table 7.1.  Values of universal gas constant (R) in different units
                    Unit               R               Unit                R
               L atm K  mol –1       0.0821         erg K  mol –1       8.3 × 10 7
              mL atm K  mol –1         82.1         cal K  mol –1         1.987
               L Torr K  mol –1       62.4           J K  mol –1          8.31
          How to obtain the actual pressure exerted by a gas
          collected over water
          A gas collected over water (Fig. 7.9) contains water vapour also. Therefore,
          the total pressure exerted by this moist gas is equal to the sum of the partial
          pressures of the dry gas and that of the water vapour, i.e.,

                        Fig. 7.9  A common set-up used for collecting a gas over water
                                 P total  =  P gas  +  P water vap.          (7.19)
               So,                P gas  =  P total  –  P water vap.

              The partial pressure of water vapour is called aqueous tension.
               So,                P gas  =  P total  –  Aq. tension          (7.20)

              The aqueous tension values at a few temperatures are given below:

          Temperature/°C           10      20      30      40       50      60      70      80      90      100
          Aq. tension/mm Hg        9.2    17.5     31.8    55.3    92.5    149.4   223.7   355.1   525.8   760.0

          Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) and Normal
          Temperature and Pressure (NTP)

          Volume of a sample of any gas changes appreciably with a change in its
          temperature and pressure.
              For a meaningful comparison of the volumes of different gases, it is
          necessary to measure volumes of gases under certain standard conditions
          of temperature and pressure.
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