Page 54 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 54

42                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                                           What is an endothermic reaction
                                           A reaction which proceeds with the absorption of heat is called an
                                           endothermic reaction  (endo – in and  thermic  – heat). Some typical
                                           endothermic reactions are:
                                             ƒ  Reaction between nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen reacts with oxygen
                                                at about 3000°C to form nitric oxide (NO).
                                                  N (g)   +    O (g)    +    Heat     o       2NO(g)
               Methane is the principal          nitrogen      oxygen                          nitric oxide
              constituent of natural gas
                                               This is one of the major reactions which take place in the atmosphere
                                                when lightning strikes.
                                             ƒ  Preparation of water gas. When steam [H O(v)] is passed over red
                                                hot coke, water gas (CO + H ) is formed. This reaction is also an
                                                endothermic reaction.
                                                  C(s)    +    H O(v) +      Heat      o       CO(g) +      H (g)
                                                red hot coke      steam                                           water gas
                                                Some other endothermic processes are:
                                             ƒ  Dissolution of ammonium chloride (NH Cl) in water
            Exothermic oxidation reaction -   ƒ  Conversion of water to steam.
                coal (carbon) burning
                                           Reactions in Which Electrical Energy is Either
                                           Absorbed or Evolved — Electrochemical Reactions

                                           The reactions which occur with the absorption or liberation of electrical
                                           energy are called electrochemical reactions.
                                                For example,
                                             ƒ  Electrolysis of acidulated water. When electricity is passed through
                                                acidulated water, it splits up to give hydrogen (at cathode) and
                                                oxygen (at anode).
                                                              electric current
                                                   2H O(l)  o 2H (g)              +    O (g)
                                                   acidulated              hydrogen gas      oxygen gas
                                                     water                  (at cathode)      (at anode)
                                               This reaction is called the  electrolysis of water. In this reaction,
                                                electrical energy is used up (or absorbed) to cause the splitting of
                                                water into hydrogen and oxygen.
                                             ƒ  Working of a Daniell cell. The Daniell cell is a device which produces
                                                electrical energy due to a chemical reaction. Such reactions in which
                                                electrical energy is released are called electrochemical reactions.
                                               A Daniell cell consists of
                                                   Š A zinc rod dipped into dilute sulphuric acid taken in a porous pot.
                                                   Zinc rod acts as the cathode.
                                                   Š A cylindrical copper container containing copper sulphate
                                                   solution. The copper container acts as the anode.
                                               The chemical reaction that takes place in the Daniell cell is,
                                                    Zn(s)    + CuSO (aq)  o ZnSO (aq)          + Cu(s)
                                               Under standard conditions, Daniell cell produces electrical energy at
                                                a voltage of 1.1 volts.
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