Page 73 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 73

Water                                                                                                 61
          Water — A Chemical Compound

          Why is water considered a compound
          Water is a compound containing hydrogen and oxygen in the
          ratio of 2 : 1 by volume and 1 : 8 by mass. The molecular formula
          of water is H O.
              Water is a compound because
            ƒ  Water is obtained by the chemical combination of hydrogen
               and oxygen in a  xed ratio, 2 : 1 by volume and 1 : 8 by
               mass.                                                               Fig. 3.1  Water cycle in nature
            ƒ  During the formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen,
               energy is given out. i.e., formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen
               is an exothermic reaction.
                  H (g)    +  1 2 O (g)  o    H O(l)     +    286 kJ
            ƒ  The properties of water are entirely different from that of its constituent
               elements, hydrogen and oxygen.
              Hydrogen is combustible and oxygen is a supporter of combustion.
               Water is neither combustible nor a supporter of combustion.
            ƒ  Water cannot be separated into its constituent elements, hydrogen
               and oxygen, by any physical method. Water can only be separated
               into its constituent elements by electrolytic decomposition (i.e., by

          How will you show that water is a polar compound
          Suspend a burette on a burette-stand. Fill it with distilled water and place
          a beaker (250 mL) under the jet of the burette. Allow a thin stream of water
          to run out of the burette. The stream runs out of the jet almost vertically
              Rub a piece of thermocol against a sheet of   annel and bring the
          rubbed edge of the thermocol near the running stream of water. The stream
          of water gets attracted towards the thermocol piece. This can be explained
          as follows.
              Explanation: When thermocol is rubbed against  annel, it develops a
          negative charge on it. When this negatively charged thermocol is brought
          nearer to the stream of water, the water stream gets attracted towards it
          (Fig. 3.2). This shows that water molecules have some positive charge on

                         Fig. 3.2  Experiment to show that water is a polar compound
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