Page 11 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 11


            1. Periodic Properties and Variations of Properties (Physical and Chemical)                     1–24

                 ƒ Modern long form periodic table ƒ Periodic properties and their variations in groups and periods
                 ƒ Atomic size ƒ Metallic character ƒ Nonmetallic character ƒ Ionisation energy (or Ionisation
                 potential) ƒ Periodic variation of ionisation energy ƒ Electron affinity ƒ Periodic variation of
                 electron affinity ƒ Electronegativity ƒ Factors affecting electronegativity ƒ Periodic variation of
                 electronegativity ƒ Relationship between atomic number (proton number) and atomic mass (mass
                 number) for light elements ƒ Alkali metals and halogens

           2. Chemical Bonding                                                                            25–54

                 ƒ Chemical reactivity and electronic configuration ƒ Electron dot structures ƒ Octet rule ƒ Atoms
                 and ions ƒ Oxidation and reduction ƒ Chemical bond ƒ Electrovalent (or ionic) bond ƒ Structures of
                 some electrovalent compounds ƒ Electrovalent (or ionic) compounds ƒ Covalent bond ƒ Structures
                 of some covalent compounds and molecules ƒ Covalent compounds ƒ Effect of electricity on
                 electrovalent and covalent compounds ƒ Polar and nonpolar covalent bonds ƒ Coordinate bond

            3. Study of Acids, Bases and Salts                                                            55–98

                 ƒ Acids ƒ Classification of acids ƒ General methods of preparation of acids ƒ General properties of
                 acids ƒ Uses of acids ƒ Bases ƒ Classification of bases ƒ General methods of preparation of bases
                 ƒ General properties of bases ƒ Uses of bases ƒ Ions present in acids, bases, alkalis and their
                 solutions ƒ The pH scale ƒ Testing the acidity, neutrality and alkalinity of a solution using pH paper
                 and universal indicator ƒ Salts ƒ Classification of salts ƒ General properties of salts ƒ Decomposition
                 of hydrogencarbonates (bicarbonates), carbonates, chlorides and nitrates by acids ƒ General
                 methods of preparation of soluble salts ƒ General methods of preparation of insoluble salts
                 ƒ Laboratory preparation of some normal and acid salts ƒ Hydrated salts and water of
                 crystallisation ƒ Efflorescence ƒ Hygroscopic substances ƒ Deliquescent substances

           4. Analytical Chemistry                                                                      99–112

                 ƒ Analytical chemistry and chemical analysis ƒ Colour of the salts and their solutions ƒ Action of
                 sodium hydroxide solution on certain metallic salt solutions ƒ Action of ammonium hydroxide on
                 certain metallic salt solutions ƒ Action of ammonium hydroxide on copper sulphate solution
                 ƒ Action of sodium hydroxide on ammonium salts ƒ Action of alkalis on certain metals ƒ Action of
                 acids/alkalis on metal oxides

            5. Mole Concept and Stoichiometry                                                          113–146

                 ƒ The mole concept ƒ Gay-Lussac’s law of combining volumes ƒ Some examples based on Gay-
                 Lussac’s law of combining volumes ƒAvogadro’s law ƒAtomicity ƒ Applications of the Avogadro’s
                 law ƒ Some examples based on Avogadro’s law ƒAtomic mass and relative atomic mass
                 ƒ Fractional atomic masses ƒ Molecular mass and relative molecular mass ƒ Formula mass
                 ƒ Gram-atomic mass and gram-molecular mass ƒ Composition of a compound ƒ Determination of
                 empirical and molecular formula ƒ Calculations based on chemical equations
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