Page 178 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 178

164                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10
                                             ƒ  Procedure. An experimental set-up required for silver electroplating
                                                is shown in Fig. 6.11.
                                                   Š Use a glass/plastic container (blackened from outside) as the
                                                   electrolytic cell.
                                                   Š Fill this container to two-third of its capacity with silver nitrate
                                                   UQNWVKQP CEKFKſGF YKVJ PKVTKE CEKF
                                                   Š Make the object to be electroplated, say a brass spoon, the cathode
                                                   (–ve electrode), and a  thin plate of pure silver anode  (+ve
                                                   Š The object to be electroplated is dipped completely into the
                                                   electrolyte. When electric current is passed through the solution,
                                                   Ag  ions move towards cathode. At the electrodes, the following
                                                   reactions take places:
                                                At cathode:         Ag +  +    e    o       Ag
                                                                  silver ion               silver atom
                                                                (from solution)         (gets deposited on the
                                                                                         object as silver metal)
                                                At anode:                     Ag    o       Ag +   +       e –
                                                                               from silver anode     goes into solution
                                                The nitrate ion (NO ) although carries the current towards anode,
            Fig. 6.11  An experimental set-up for   it does not get oxidised at the anode. Instead, the silver (Ag) of the anode
                  silver electroplating    gets oxidised at anode as shown above. Thus, during electroplating of
                                           silver, Ag  ions from the solution move to the cathode, get reduced and
                                           get deposited on the surface of the object. Silver metal of the anode gets
                                           oxidised and the Ag  ions so formed go into the solution.
          ^ŝůǀĞƌ ŶŝƚƌĂƚĞ ; ŐEK Ϳ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶ ŝƐ ŶŽƚ
          ĚŝƌĞĐƚůLJ ƵƐĞĚ ĂƐ ƚŚĞ ĞůĞĐƚƌŽůLJƚĞ ĨŽƌ   How is electroplating of nickel done
          ĞůĞĐƚƌŽƉůĂƟŶŐ ŽĨ ƐŝůǀĞƌ ďĞĐĂƵƐĞ ŝƚ   Certain facts regarding the electroplating of nickel are given below:
          ŐŝǀĞƐ Ă ŶŽŶƵŶŝĨŽƌŵ ĚĞƉŽƐŝƚ͘
                                             ƒ  Electrolyte. Aqueous solution of nickel ammonium sulphate
                                                [NiSO .(NH ) SO 6H 1?  CEKFKſGF  D[  CFFKPI  UOCNN  SWCPVKV[  QH
                                                            4 2
                                                sulphuric acid (H SO ).                   or
                                               Aqueous solution of nickel sulphate (NiSO   CEKFKſGF YKVJ UWNRJWTKE
                                             ƒ  Electrodes.  Cathode:   The object to be electroplated with nickel
                                                                       (say, an aluminium spoon)
                                                            Anode:     A plate of pure nickel.
                                             ƒ  Electrolytic cell. Glass/plastic or ceramic container/vessel.
                                             ƒ  Electrode reactions. See below.
                                             ƒ  Ions which carry the current. Ni (aq), NH (aq) and H (aq) ions
                                                migrate towards cathode and carry the current in that direction.
                                               SO  ions and OH  ions (in minute quantity) migrate towards anode
                                                and carry the current in that direction.
                                             ƒ  Ions which take part in the electrode reactions.
                                                At cathode. Ni (aq) ions get reduced to nickel and get deposited on
                                           the object to be electroplated.
                                                At anode. Nickel (Ni) gets oxidised to Ni . The Ni  ions go to the
                                                Procedure. An experimental set up for the electroplating of nickel (Ni)
                                           on an aluminium spoon is shown in Fig. 6.12. Here, the aluminium spoon
                                           is made cathode, and a thin strip of pure nickel is made anode. A solution
            Fig. 6.12  Electroplating of nickel on   of nickel ammonium sulphate [NiSO .(NH ) SO .6H O] is taken as the
                   aluminium spoon                                              4     4 2  4   2
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