Page 182 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 182

168                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10
                (iv)  When dilute sodium chloride is electrolysed using graphite electrodes, the cation is discharged at the cathode
                    most readily. [Na , OH , H , Cl ].
                (v)  During silver plating of an article using potassium argentocyanide as an electrolyte, the anode material
                    should be [Cu, Ag, Pt, Fe].
            Q 9. State one appropriate observation when electricity is passed through molten lead bromide.   [ICSE 2013]
           Q 10.  Choose the most appropriate answer from the following options:
                  Which of these will act as a non-electrolyte?                                            [ICSE 2013]
                (A)  Liquid carbon tetrachloride              (B)  Acetic acid
                (C)  Sodium hydroxide aqueous solution acid   (D)  Potassium chloride aqueous solution.
           Q 11.  Copper sulphate solution is electrolysed using copper electrodes. Study the diagram given alongside and answer
                the question that follows :                                                                [ICSE 2013]
                 (i)  Which electrode to your left or right is known as the oxidising electrode and why?
                (ii)  Write the equation representing the reaction that occurs.
                (iii)  State two appropriate observations for the above electrolysis reaction.
           Q 12.  Choose the correct answer from the options given below:            [ICSE 2014]
                 (i)  When fused lead bromide is electrolysed we observe:
                    (A)  a silver grey deposit at anode and a reddish brown deposit at cathode
                    (B)  a silver grey deposit at cathode and a reddish brown deposit at anode
                    (C)  a silver grey deposit at cathode and reddish brown fumes at anode
                    (D)  silver grey fumes at anode and reddish brown fumes at cathode
                (ii)  The electrolyte used for electroplating an article with silver is:
                    (A)  silver nitrate solution                     (B)  silver cyanide solution
                    (C)  sodium argentocyanide solution              (D)  nickel sulphate solution
                (iii)  Aluminium powder is used in thermite welding because:
                    (A)  it is a strong reducing agent               (B)  it is a strong oxidising agent
                    (C)  it is corrosion resistant                   (D)  it is a good conductor of heat
           Q 13.  Give one word or phrase for the electrolytic deposition of a superior metal on a baser metal.   [ICSE 2014]
                copper electrodes.                                                                         [ICSE 2014]
           Q 15.  Which electrode : anode or cathode is the oxidising electrode? Why?                      [ICSE 2014]
           Q 16.  M is a metal above hydrogen in the activity series and its oxide has the formula M O. This oxide when dissolved
                in water forms the corresponding hydroxide which is a good conductor of electricity. In the above context answer
                the following:                                                                             [ICSE 2014]
                 (i)  State the reaction taking place at the cathode.
                (ii)  Name the product at the anode.
           Q 17.  )KXG CRRTQRTKCVG UEKGPVKſE TGCUQPU HQT VJG HQNNQYKPI UVCVGOGPVU                          [ICSE 2015]
                 (i)  Carbon tetrachloride does not conduct electricity.
                (ii)  During electrolysis of molten lead bromide, graphite anode is preferred to other electrodes.
                (iii)   The electrical conductivity of acetic acid is less in comparison to the electrical conductivity of dilute sulphuric
                    acid at a given concentration.
                (iv)  Electrolysis of molten lead bromide is considered to be a redox reaction.
           Q 18.  Differentiate between the terms strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte.                 [ICSE 2015]
                  (stating any two differences)
           Q 19.  (i)  Copy and complete the following table :                                             [ICSE 2015]
                                                           Anode                  Electrolyte
                         2WTKſECVKQP QH EQRRGT
                (ii)  Write the equation taking place at the anode.
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