Page 215 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 215

Metallurgy                                                                                           201

                                     Table 7.7  Composition, properties and uses of some alloys
               Alloy       Composition                Properties                             Uses
          Ŗ Brass          Cu  60–80%    Malleable and ductile, Stronger than  Brass is used for decoration purposes,
                           Zn 20–40%     both copper and zinc.                HQT OCMKPI OCP[ UEKGPVKſE KPUVTWOGPVU
                                                                              telescopes, microscopes, barometers,
          Ŗ Bronze         Cu  80%       Hard, can be polished, corrosion- For making statues, cooking utensils
                           Zn 10%        resistant, Easy to cast.             and coins.
                           Sn 10%
          Ŗ German silver Cu  30–60%     Malleable and ductile, Silvery, White,  It is silvery white as silver, malleable
                           Zn 25–35%     High resistivity.                    and ductile. It is used as imitation silver
                           Ni 15–35%                                          in making ornaments and utensils and
                                                                              also for decoration.
          Ŗ Gun metal      Cu  88%       Hard, Brittle, Easy to cut.          It is used for making gears and bearings,
                           Sn 10%                                             and gun barrels.
                           Zn 1%
                           Pb 1%
          Ŗ Bell metal     Cu  80%       Sonorous, Hard and Brittle.          It is used for casting bells.
                           Sn 20%

          ALLOYS OF IRON
          Ŗ Stainless steel  Fe  74%     Stainless steel is hard, tenacious and  For making cutlery, utensils, ornamental
                           Cr 18%        corrosion-resistant.                 pieces and some other instrument and
                           Ni 8%                                              apparatus.
          Ŗ Nickel steel   Fe  96–98%    Nickel steel is hard, elastic and  For making electric wire cables,
                           Ni 2–4%       corrosion-resistant.                 automobile  and    aeroplane  parts,
                                                                              watches, armour plates, propeller shafts,
          Ŗ Invar          Fe  63%       8GT[ NQY EQGHſEKGPV QH GZRCPUKQP     5EKGPVKſE KPUVTWOGPVU  OGVTG UECNG
                           Ni 36%
                           C   1%

          Ŗ Tungsten steel Fe  84%       Very hard                            Cutting tools
                           W 5%
                           C   1%
          Ŗ  Duralium or   Al 95%        In strength, it is as good as steel but it is  For aeroplanes, spacecrafts, sea ships
             Duralumin     Cu 4%         very light. It is hard, corrosion-resistant  and pressure cookers.
                           Mg 0.5%       and highly ductile.
                           Mn 0.5%

          Ŗ Magnalium      Al  90–95%    It is hard and tough.                For making light instruments, parts of
                           Mg 5–10%                                           machines and balance beams.

          ALLOYS OF LEAD
          Ŗ Solder         Pb  50%       It has a low melting point.          Used for soldering purposes.
                           Sn 50%

          Ŗ Type metal     Pb  75-80%    Low melting, Easy to cast.           For making printing type.
                           Sb 15-20%
                           Sn 5%
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