Page 213 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 213

Metallurgy                                                                                           199
            Ans.  Some metals get affected by oxygen (in the air) and moisture even at room temperature. So, when such metals
                are exposed to air for a long time they get corroded and give a dull appearance.
            Q.4.  You must have seen tarnished copper vessels being cleaned with lemon or tamarind juice. Explain why these
                sour substances are effective in cleaning the vessels?
            Ans.  Copper when exposed to moist air gets tarnished due to the formation of basic copper carbonate (CuCO .
                Cu(OH) ). Lemon or tamarind juice contains organic acids. These acids react with basic copper carbonate and
                clean the surface.
            Q.5.  Which of the following methods is suitable for preventing an iron frying pan from rusting? (a) applying oil (b)
                applying paint (c) applying a coating of zinc (d) all of the above
            Ans.  The correct answer is (a).
                 The frying pan can be protected from corrosion by applying oil. (only certain special paints can be used which
                can withstand high temperatures)
                 Zinc is a low melting metal. It gets vaporised. So, it is not advisable to use zinc for coating a frying pan.
            Q.6.  Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because
                 (a)  zinc is costlier than tin.
                 (b)  zinc has a higher melting point than tin.
                 (c)  zinc is more reactive than tin.
                 (d)  zinc is less reactive than tin.
            Ans.  The correct answer is (c).
                 Zinc is more reactive than tin. Moreover, tin is a nontoxic metal.
            Q.7.  Describe the corrosion of copper (or brass) when kept in a humid place.
            Ans.  On standing in moist air, copper/brass gets coated with a green coating of basic copper carbonate.
            Q.8.  Would it be right to store
                 (a)  a solution of silver nitrate (AgNO ) in a copper vessel?
                 (b)  a solution of zinc sulphate (ZnSO ) in a lead vessel?
                 Explain your answer.
            Ans.  (a)   A solution of silver nitrate should not be placed in a copper vessel. This is because copper is more
                   electropositive than silver. As a result, copper (from the vessel) will slowly dissolve to cause holes in it, and
                   silver metal will get precipitated.
                 (b)   Zinc sulphate solution can be stored in a lead vessel because lead is less electropositive than zinc. So, lead
                   will remain unaffected.

                                                   ASSIGNMENT 5
                               Uses of iron, zinc and aluminium, Corrosion, Rusting of iron and its prevention

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