Page 208 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 208

194                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10
                                                     2Al   +    3S        o       Al S
          ^ŽŵĞ ŵĞƚĂůƐ ǁĞƌĞ ŬŶŽǁŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ                                              2 3
          ĂŶĐŝĞŶƚ ƉĞŽƉůĞ͘ dŚĞƐĞ ŵĞƚĂůƐ ǁĞƌĞ       aluminium                   aluminium sulphide
          ƵƐĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞŵ ŝŶ ŵĂŶLJ ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ ǁĂLJƐ͘   ƒ  Reducing action. $GECWUG QH KVU UVTQPI CHſPKV[ HQT QZ[IGP  CNWOKPKWO
          KǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƉĞƌŝŽĚ͕ ŵĂŶLJ ŵŽƌĞ ŵĞƚĂůƐ     acts as a strong reducing agent. It reduces ferric oxide, chromium
          ǁĞƌĞ ĚŝƐĐŽǀĞƌĞĚ͘                      oxide, etc. to the respective metal.
          dĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĐĂů ĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚƐ ůĞĚ ƚŽ         Fe O  +    2Al        o        2Fe     +   Al O
          ƚŚĞ ŶĞǁĞƌ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ ŽĨ ŵĞƚĂůƐ͘        ferric oxide                      iron     aluminium oxide
          DĞƚĂůƐ ĂƌĞ ĐŽŵŵŽŶůLJ ƵƐĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚƌĞĞ
          ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ ĨŽƌŵƐ͗                           Cr O  +    2Al        o        2Cr     +   Al O 3
          ;ĂͿ  Ɛ ƉƵƌĞ ŵĞƚĂůƐ ;ďͿ  Ɛ ĂůůŽLJƐ ;ĐͿ  Ɛ   chromium oxide                chromium
          ƚŚĞŝƌ ĐŽŵƉŽƵŶĚƐ                       Goldschmidt’s Aluminothermic welding process is based on this
                                           property of aluminium.
                                                Illustrative Questions
            Q.1.  Give reason for the following: Concentrated sodium hydroxide solution cannot be stored in aluminium
            Ans. This is because aluminium is attacked by strong alkalis. With alkalis, aluminium gives soluble aluminates. For
                example, with sodium hydroxide,
                      2Al     +    2NaOH      +   2H O        o      2NaAlO  2    +     3H (g)
                   aluminium       sodium                           sodium aluminate
                                  hydroxide                         (soluble in water)
                  Therefore, concentrated sodium hydroxide cannot be stored in aluminium containers.
            Q.2.  Give reason: Concentrated nitric acid can be stored in aluminium containers.
            Ans.  Concentrated nitric acid forms a protective layer of Al O  on the surface of aluminium. This layer of Al O
                prevents any further reaction between the acid and the metal. So, it is safe to store concentrated nitric acid in
                aluminium containers.
            Q.3.  Explain why aluminium is more reactive than iron, yet there is less corrosion of aluminium when both are
                exposed to the air.
            Ans.  Aluminium surface when exposed to air gets covered with a thin layer of Al O . This layer of Al O  prevents any
                further reaction between aluminium and the air. Therefore, aluminium shows less corrosion than iron.
            Q.4.  What important properties of aluminium are responsible for its great demand in industry?
            Ans.  Some important properties of aluminium which are responsible for its great demand in industry are
                 ƒ   High conductivity (both thermal and electrical)
                 ƒ   Low density (or light weight)
                 ƒ   Rust-proof nature
                 ƒ   High tensile strength

                                                    ASSIGNMENT 4

                                           Extraction, Refining and Properties of Aluminium
              ϭ͘  'ŝǀĞ ƚŚĞ ĐŚĞŵŝĐĂů ĐŽŵƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƐ ŽĨ ĐƌLJŽůŝƚĞ ĂŶĚ ďĂƵdžŝƚĞ͘
              Ϯ͘  tŚLJ ŝƐ ĐƌLJŽůŝƚĞ ĂĚĚĞĚ ƚŽ ĂůƵŵŝŶĂ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĞdžƚƌĂĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ͍
              ϯ͘  EĂŵĞ ƚŚĞ ƌĞĚƵĐŝŶŐ ĂŐĞŶƚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ĐŚĞŵŝĐĂů ƌĞĂĐƟŽŶ͗
                     ϯDŶK  н    ϰ ů  o ϯDŶ        н   Ϯ ů O
                                                         Ϯ ϯ
              ϰ͘  tƌŝƚĞ Ă ĐŚĞŵŝĐĂů ƌĞĂĐƟŽŶ ƚŽ ƐŚŽǁ ƚŚĂƚ ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ ĐĂŶ ďĞ ƵƐĞĚ ĂƐ Ă ƌĞĚƵĐŝŶŐ ĂŐĞŶƚ͘
              ϱ͘  ^ƚĂƚĞ ĂŶLJ ƚǁŽ ƵƐĞƐ ŽĨ ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ͘
              ϲ͘  'ŝǀĞ ƌĞĂƐŽŶ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ͗  ŽŶĐĞŶƚƌĂƚĞĚ ƐŽĚŝƵŵ ŚLJĚƌŽdžŝĚĞ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶ ĐĂŶŶŽƚ ďĞ ƐƚŽƌĞĚ ŝŶ ĂůƵŵŝŶŝƵŵ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶĞƌƐ͘
              ϳ͘   ůĞŵĞŶƚ   ŚĂƐ ĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐ ĐŽŶĮŐƵƌĂƟŽŶ Ϯ͕ ϴ͕ ϯ ĂŶĚ ŽĐĐƵƌƐ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĞĂƌƚŚ͛Ɛ ĐƌƵƐƚ ĂƐ ŝƚƐ ŽdžŝĚĞ͘   O ͘ /ƚ ŝƐ ŵŽƌĞ ƌĞĂĐƟǀĞ ƚŚĂŶ
                                                                                          Ϯ ϯ
                njŝŶĐ͘  ŶƐǁĞƌ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ͗
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