Page 204 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 204

190                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10

                                           What is distillation method for refining metals
                                           The more volatile metals such as  mercury  and  zinc  CTG  RWTKſGF  D[
                                           distillation method. In this method, the impure metal is heated in a retort.
                                           The pure metal distills over and the impurities are left behind.

                                           What is electrolytic refining method
                                            /QUV OGVCNU  XK\  EQRRGT  CNWOKPKWO  EJTQOKWO  UKNXGT  GVE  CTG TGſPGF D[
                                            electrolytic method. In this method,
                                             ƒ  A thick block of impure metal acts as anode. It is connected to the +ve
                                                terminal of the battery.
                                             ƒ  A thin sheet of pure metal acts as cathode. It is connected to the –ve
                                                terminal of the battery.
                                             ƒ  An aqueous solution of a suitable salt of the metal is used as the
          Fig. 7.7  An experimental set-up for electrolytic
                    UH¿QLQJ RI PHWDOV           electrolyte.
                                                #P GZRGTKOGPVCN UGV WR WUGF HQT VJG GNGEVTQN[VKE TGſPKPI QH C OGVCN KU
                                           shown in Fig. 7.7.
                                                On passing current through the electrolyte, pure metal gets deposited
                                           on the cathode, and the impure metal of the anode dissolves. The impurities
                                           either dissolve in the solution or fall below the anode as anode mud.

                                                    ASSIGNMENT 3

                                    Occurrence of metals, minerals and ores, Metallurgical operations,
                                     Extraction of metals based on their position in the activity series
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                                           Extraction of Aluminium

                                           Symbol                               Al   Atomic number           13

                                           'NGEVTQPKE EQPſIWTCVKQP      K L M      Atomic mass               27 u
                                                                         2,  8  3
                                                #NWOKPKWO YCU ſTUV KUQNCVGF D[ Wohler in 1827. Aluminium could not
                                           be put to much use in the beginning because of its high cost of production.
                                           However, with the development of electrolytic method for the extraction
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