Page 201 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 201

Metallurgy                                                                                           187
          Extraction of Metals Based on their Position in the

          Activity Series

          Metals are extracted from the concentrated ore by a suitable method. The
          method employed for extracting metal from its ore depends upon the
          reactivity of the metal.
              On the basis of reactivity, metals are grouped into the following
          categories:                                                                    A copper purification plant
            ƒ  Metals of very low reactivity.
            ƒ  Metals of low reactivity.

            ƒ  Metals of medium reactivity.
            ƒ  Metals of high reactivity.
              The reactivity of a metal is indicated by its position in the activity series.
          The methods employed for the extraction of metals of different reactivities
          are listed here alongwith the activity series.                                   An aluminium plant

                                      The methods of metal extraction summarized
                  K   (Potassium)    Most reactive metal
                  Ba (Barium)                                  Highly reactive metals, e.g. alkali and alkaline
                                                               earth metals and aluminium are obtained by
                  Ca (Calcium)                                 electrolytic reduction method.
                  Na (Sodium)
                  Mg (Magnesium)                               Oxides of moderately active metals, e.g. iron,
                  Al (Aluminium)                               lead, zinc, and tin can be reduced  by heating
                  Zn (Zinc)          Chemical reactivity       with carbon (called carbon reduction method).
                  Fe  (Iron)         and tendency to lose      Oxides of certain transition metals, e.g.
                                                               manganese dioxide, iron oxide, chromium  oxide,
                  Ni (Nickel)         electrons of metals      etc. can be reduced by heating with aluminium
                  Sn (Tin)             decreases in this       (called aluminium reduction method).
                  Pb (Lead)               direction

                  H   (Hydrogen)                               Metal oxides of less reactive metals, e.g. copper,
                                                               mercury, lead can be  reduced by heat alone,
                  Cu (Copper)                                  (called self-reduction method).
                  Hg (Mercury)
                  Ag (Silver)
                  Au (Gold)
                  Pt  (Platinum)     Least reactive metal      Found in native state (or free metallic state).

          How are the metals of very low reactivity extracted
          Metals such as platinum, gold and silver show very low reactivity. These
          metals occur free in nature. So, these metals are obtained by simple physical
          separation method. The heavier metal particles are separated from the sand
          by hydraulic washing method.
          How are the metals of low reactivity extracted
          The sulphide ores of less reactive metals like Hg, Cu, Pb, etc. on heating in
          the air, give the metal and SO .                                               Gold panning—The oldest
                                                                                         method of gold extraction
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