Page 85 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 85


              The most commonly used pH paper gives different colours when dipped into solutions of different
          pH. A typical chart of colours at different pH is shown below. This chart is used for comparing/matching
          colour of the pH paper when dipped into any given solution. Thus, the determined pH values are based on
          the comparison method.

                   pH PAPER (based on litmus indicator)                    UNIVERSAL INDICATORS
                        (Colours at different pH values)                  (Colours at different pH values)

                   ACIDIC 0                                 7 NEUTRAL
                                                                                 pH = 1  pH = 2  pH = 3  pH = 4

                          1                                8

                          2                                9
                     INCREASING ACIDITY  3 4               10     INCREASING ALKALINITY  pH = 5  pH = 6  pH = 7  pH = 8


                          5                                12

                                                                                 pH = 9
                          6                                13                           pH = 10  pH = 11  pH = 12

                  NEUTRAL  7                               14 ALKALINE

                                       COLOUR CHANGE OF THE INDICATORS

                      Blue litmus          Red litmus           x Acids change colour of the blue litmus to

                                   + Acid                       x Alkalis/bases change colour of the  red
                                   + Alkali                       litmus to blue.

                   Blue                              Red

                              Phenolphthalein                                 Methyl Orange

                                   + Alkali                                       + Alkali
                                   + Acid                                          + Acid

               Colourless                            Pink          Red                              Yellow
                      in acidic medium  in alkaline/basic medium     in acidic medium  in alkaline/basic medium
                 x Alkalis/bases change the colourless solution   x Acids  turn  the  yellow solution of methyl
                   of phenolphthalein to pink.                    orange to red.
                 x Acids change the  pink solution of      x  Alkalis turn the  red solution of methyl
                   phenolphthalein to colourless.                 orange to yellow.
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