Page 144 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 144

132                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                                                Thus, atom of the last element in any group is the largest atom in
                                           that group.

                                           How does atomic size vary in a period of the
                                           periodic table
                                           The atomic size (or atomic radius) decreases while going from left to right
                                           in a period of the periodic table (except for He and Ne). For example, for
                                           the elements of second and third periods, the atomic size decreases in
                                           going from left to right.

                                            Element                 Li     Be      B      C     N      O       F
                                            Atomic radius/pm        152    112    89     77     74     74     72

                                            Element                 Na     Mg     Al     Si      P      S     Cl
                                            Atomic radius/pm        186    160    143    117    110    104    99
              Atomic size increases down
                      a group

                                              ————— Atomic size decreases from left to right in a period o
                                                                       (not to the scale)
                                                This can be explained as follows:
                                                Explanation:  The number of protons and electrons in an atom
                                           increases in going from left to right in a period. The added electrons enter
                                           the same shell. Due to the increase in nuclear charge, the electrons are
                                           pulled towards the nucleus with greater attractive force. As a result, the
                                           electronic shell shrinks and the atomic size decreases.

                                           Valence Electrons

                                           In an atom, electrons are distributed in various shells (or orbits).  The
                                           electrons in the outermost shell of an atom are called valence electrons.
                                                To calculate the number of valence electrons in the atom of any
                                           element, write down its electronic con guration and count the number of
                                           electrons in the outermost shell. For the elements of  rst three periods of
           Fig. 5.2  Sodium atom: It has only one   the periodic table, we write as follows:
                   valence electron
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