Page 179 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 179

Study of Gas Laws                                                                                    167

          How is the Boyle’s law described graphically
          According to the Boyle’s law,
                                       PV =  Constant
              The Boyle’s law relationship is shown graphically as the plots of,
                      Volume vs Pressure                    (V vs P)
                                     1                            1
              or      Volume vs                             (V vs   )
                                  Pressure                        P
              or      Pressure × Volume vs Pressure         (PV vs P)

            ƒ  Volume-Pressure graph. When the volume (V) of a certain amount
               of a gas (at any  xed temperature) is plotted against pressure (P), a   Fig. 7.1  The volume-pressure (V–P)
               hyperbolic curve is obtained. The hyperbolic curve obtained when      graph for a gas at different temperatures
               volume (V) of a gas is plotted against pressure (P) at any constant
               temperature is called volume-pressure or pressure-volume isotherm
               (V–P isotherm or P–V isotherm).
              The volume-pressure isotherms for certain volume of a gas at three
               different temperatures are shown in Fig. 7.1.
            ƒ  Volume-1/Pressure graph. When volume (V) of a certain amount
               of gas (at any constant temperature) is plotted against reciprocal
               of pressure (1/P), a straight line plot passing through the origin is
               obtained. Thus, V vs 1/P (or V vs P ) isotherms are straight lines
               passing through the origin. The V-l/P isotherms for a certain amount
               of gas at three different temperatures are shown in Fig. 7.2. As you
               can see in the  gure, the slope of straight line plot increases as the
               temperature of the isotherm increases.                                   Fig. 7.2 The volume-1/Pressure
            ƒ  Pressure × Volume vs Pressure graph. When the pressure × volume         (V–1/P) graph for a gas at different
               product (PV) for a certain amount of gas is plotted against pressure            temperatures
               (P) at any constant temperature, the isotherm is a straight line parallel
               to the pressure-axis. Thus, the PV values remain constant at all the
               pressures (at near atmospheric pressure). Thus, PV vs P isotherms are
               straight lines parallel to pressure-axis.
              The PV vs P isotherms for a gas at three different temperatures are
               shown in Fig. 7.3. At any pressure, the value of the product  PV
               increases with an increase in temperature.

          What are the applications of the Boyle’s law
                                                                                       Fig. 7.3  The pressure × Volume vs
          According to the Boyle’s law, for a certain amount of a gas at constant      Pressure graph for a gas at different
          temperature,                                                                         temperatures
                             P  V  = P  V  = P  V  = .... and so on
              Thus, the Boyle’s law can be used for calculating the volume of a certain
          amount of a gas at any pressure, if its volume at some other pressure under
          constant temperature conditions is known.
              This is illustrated through the following examples.
          EXAMPLE 7.1.  Given below are some values of pressure and volume for 2 g of
          hydrogen at 0°C. Show that the data verify the Boyle’s law.
                         Pressure (atm)  2.00     1.00    0.90     0.75     0.50
                         Volume (dm )    11.2     22.4    24.7     29.9     44.4
          Solution: From the Boyle’s law, for a certain  xed amount of gas,
                                 Pressure × Volume = Constant
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