Page 181 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 181

Study of Gas Laws                                                                                    169

          EXAMPLE 7.4.  The following table shows the effect of changing pressure on
          the volume of a sample of gas. The temperature of the gas is held constant.
          Pressure (P/atm)    1.00  0.90  0.85  0.75  0.65  0.55  0.45  0.30  0.20

          Volume (V/L)        22.4  24.9  26.3  29.9  40.2  40.7  49.8  74.7  112
                       (i)   Plot the following graphs: (a) P vs V, (b) P vs 1/V (c) PV vs P.
                          Interpret each graph in terms of Boyle’s Law.
                      (ii)  One measurement in the table is wrong. Identify it giving
                     (iii)  Assuming that the pressure values are correct, calculate the
                          volume corresponding to the incorrect point.
          Solution: The pressure-volume data are mathematically modi ed in suitable
          mathematical form as follows.
             P (atm)       V (L)       1/V (L )   PV (atm L)     P (atm)       V (L)       1/V (L )    PV (atm L)
              1.00         22.4        0.0446        22.4         0.55         40.7        0.0246         22.4
              0.90         24.9        0.0402        22.4         0.45         49.8        0.0201         22.4
              0.85         26.3        0.0380        22.4         0.30         74.7        0.0134         22.4
              0.75         29.9        0.0334        22.4         0.20           112       0.00893        22.4

              0.65         40.2        0.0249        26.1

             (i)  The various graphs are shown in Fig. 7.4.
                (a)  The curved plot of P vs V [Fig. 7.4(a)] indicates that volume is not a linear
                   function of pressure, but volume decreases as pressure is increased.
               (b)  The straight line plot of P vs 1/V [Fig. 7.4(b)] indicates that pressure is a
                   linear function of 1/V.
                (c) The PV vs V plot is a straight line parallel to P-axis [Fig. 7.4(c)]. This
                   indicates that the product P × V is constant at all pressures.
                    The data obey the Boyle’s law.

                                  Fig. 7.4  P vs V, P vs 1/V and PV vs P plot for the data given in EXAMPLE 7.4
            (ii)  From the table, it is clear that the product P × V in all cases except that
               corresponding to 0.65 atm and 40.2 L, is constant as required by the
               Boyle’s law. Hence, this observation is not correct.
           (iii)  The product P × V in this experiment is equal to 22.4 atm L. So, if the
               pressure of 0.65 atm is taken as correct, the correct volume should be
                                   PV = 22.4 atm L
                                          22.4 atm L   22.4
                                    V =              =      L = 34.5 L
                                            P atm      0.65
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