Page 207 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 207

Atmospheric Pollution                                                                                195

          Why is the natural greenhouse effect necessary for life on
          the earth
          Natural blanket of the greenhouse gases has played an important role in the
          evolution of life on the earth. The naturally-occurring blanket of greenhouse
          gases absorb some of the solar radiation and help in maintaining temperature
          on the earth at a moderate level. Maintaining the earth’s temperature at a
          moderate level is essential for the existence of life on the earth.
              Without the natural greenhouse effect, the thermal radiation would
          escape into the atmosphere and cause cooling of the earth. The earth’s
          temperature may fall to –20°C. This will make the earth unlivable and
          barren. At such low temperature, evaporation of water will not take place.
          As a result, there will be no cloud formation and no rain.

          What are the possible adverse effects of the global
          The excessive built up of carbon dioxide (CO ) and other greenhouse gases
          (GHGs) in the atmosphere may have a number of adverse effects on the
          earth’s climate. It may lead to major environmental problems. Some major
          adverse effects of the global warming are described below.

          Rise in sea level
          One of the major consequences of the global warming is the rise in sea level.
          The sea level rises due to
            ƒ  Expansion of sea water, due to rise in the earth’s temperature
            ƒ  Melting of glaciers, polar ice caps
              Rising sea levels may cause   oods in coastal and low-lying area in
          Maldives, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Netherlands, etc.

          Changes in the pattern of crop cultivation
          Global warming may change the rain cycle and adversely affect the world
          food production. Wheat growing areas will get shifted from more fertile
          regions of Canada and Russia to the less fertile polar region.
            ƒ  Increased CO  level in the atmosphere and global warming will cause
               faster growth of weeds and eruption of plant diseases.

          Decrease in biological productivity of oceans
          The biological productivity in ocean would decrease due to lower level of
          the dissolved oxygen in water at higher temperature.

          Loss of ecosystems and biodiversity
          Changes in the rainfall pattern disturb ecological balance of several
          terrestrial ecosystems. As a result, forests and many species of plants and
          animals may die.

          Loss of water balance
          Rising sea water may pollute fresh water with salty water.
              Fresh water resources may be diminished due to shrinking of mountain
          glaciers and reduced snow fall.
              Rise in the earth’s temperature will make certain parts drier and other
          parts wetter due to change in the pattern of rainfall. Thus, global warming
          can cause imbalance in the availability of fresh water.
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