Page 212 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 212

200                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9
             19. Tick (9) the correct answer.

                 (i)  Tropospheric pollution is also called
                    (a) radiation pollution                    ˆ (b)  soil pollution                             ˆ
                    (c) thermal pollution                      ˆ (d)  air pollution                              ˆ

                (ii)  The region of the atmosphere nearest to the earth is
                    (a) stratosphere                           ˆ (b)  mesosphere                                 ˆ
                    (c) troposphere                            ˆ (d)  thermosphere                               ˆ
                (iii)  The gas of vital importance to all living organisms present in the stratosphere is
                    (a) oxygen                                 ˆ (b)  carbon dioxide                             ˆ
                    (c) nitrogen                               ˆ (d)  ozone                                      ˆ
                (iv)  The gas that contributes most to the greenhouse effect is
                    (a) carbon dioxide                         ˆ (b)  water vapour                               ˆ
                    (c) methane                                ˆ (d)  ozone                                      ˆ
                (v)  Which of the following is a gaseous pollutant?
                    (a) fumes                                  ˆ (b)  sulphur dioxide                            ˆ
                    (c) mist                                   ˆ (d)  smoke                                      ˆ
                (vi)  Depletion of ozone in the atmosphere may cause
                    (a)  rise in the temperature on the earth   ˆ  (b)  fall in temperature on the earth         ˆ
                    (c) skin cancer                            ˆ (d)  blood cancer                               ˆ
               (vii)  Which of the following is a primary pollutant?
                    (a) CO                                     ˆ (b)  H SO                                       ˆ
                    (c) peroxyacetyl nitrate                   ˆ (d)  HNO                                        ˆ
               (viii)  Which particulate causes a disease called silicosis?
                    (a) asbestos                               ˆ (b)  cement dust                                ˆ
                    (c) silica                                 ˆ (d)  mist                                       ˆ
                (ix)  The particulate that leads to stippled red blood cells is
                    (a) iron                                   ˆ (b)  lead                                       ˆ
                    (c) mercury                                ˆ (d)  chromium                                   ˆ
                 (x)  Ozone in the stratosphere is destroyed by

                    (a)    Cl                                  ˆ (b)  OH                                         ˆ

                    (c) H                                      ˆ (d)  ClO                                        ˆ
                (xi)  The gas which combines with haemoglobin to affect the transport of oxygen gas in our body is
                    (a) carbon dioxide                         ˆ (b)  carbon monoxide                            ˆ
                    (c) ozone                                  ˆ (d)  nitrogen                                   ˆ
               (xii)  The catalyst used in the catalytic converter in automobiles is based on
                    (a) silver                                 ˆ (b)  palladium                                  ˆ
                    (c) copper                                 ˆ (d)  platinum                                   ˆ
               (xiii)  Peroxyacetyl nitrate is responsible for
                    (a) chemical smog                          ˆ (b)  mist                                       ˆ
                    (c) photochemical smog                     ˆ (d)  fog                                        ˆ
               (xiv)  All the forms of precipitation collectively called acid rain has pH
                    (a) below 2                                ˆ (b)  above 7                                    ˆ
                    (c)  between 2 and 5                       ˆ  (d)  between 5.6 and 7                         ˆ
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