Page 214 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 214

202                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                                                  Let us say it Again

            —  Environment. The physical and biological world around us is called environment.
            —  Environmental pollution. The contamination of the environment with harmful toxic, poisonous substances due to
                certain natural phenomenon and human activities is called environmental pollution.
            —  Types of environmental pollution. Environmental pollution can be categorised in the following types:
                  Atmospheric pollution (or Air pollution)
                  Water pollution
                  Soil pollution (or land pollution)
                  Thermal pollution
                  Noise pollution
                  Radiation pollution
            —  Atmosphere. The cover of the air surrounding the earth is called atmosphere.
            —  Atmospheric pollution. Contamination of the atmospheric air with harmful toxic gases, smoke and particulate matter,
                e.g. dust, etc., is called atmospheric pollution.
            —  Air pollution. Contamination of the air around us (in the troposphere) by harmful toxic gases, smoke and particulate
                matter, beyond certain permissible level is called air pollution.
                  Air pollutants are of two types: Gaseous pollutants and particulates.
            —  Smog. The smoke + fog conditions are called smog. There are two types of smog.
                  Chemical smog
                  Photochemical smog
            —  Acid rain. All forms of precipitation, such as rain, snowfall, fog, and dew, which are more acidic than normal water are
                called acid rain.
                  Acid rain is caused by the dissolution of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen in atmospheric moisture or rain.
                  Acid rain damages structures made of iron and marble (or lime). It is harmful for vegetation, aquatic life.
            —  Global warming. The gradual increase in the global temperature (or temperature of the earth) caused by the increased
                concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is called global warming.
            —  Greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO ), Methane (CH ), Nitrous oxide (N O), Ozone (O ), Water vapour (H O) and
                Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are called the greenhouse gases (GHG).
            —  Greenhouse effect. Heating up of the earth’s atmosphere due to the trapping of infrared radiation of longer wavelength
                by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is called the Greenhouse Effect.
            —  Ozone destruction. The decrease in the concentration of ozone in the upper layer of the atmosphere is called destruction
                or depletion of the ozone layer.
                  Ozone layer. The blanket of ozone (16 km-23 km) around the earth is called ozone layer. Ozone layer is one of the most
                   important life-support systems.
                  Ozone hole. The zone of lower concentration of ozone in the atmosphere is called ozone hole.
                  Ozone is mainly destroyed/depleted by chlorine radical (CI ) and chlorine monoxide radical ( CIO) released during
                   volcanic activity and also during reactions of ozone with NO, O and  OH.
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