Page 218 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 218

206                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                   Gas and its Source                    Observations                        Inference
                                                  8. HYDROGEN CHLORIDE
           Evolves when conc. H SO  is reacted   ™ Colourless gas                ™ Cl  and NO  are absent.
                               2  4                                                   2       2
           with a metal chloride or ammonium   ™ Irritating odour                ™ Gas may be SO  or HCl.
           chloride                           ™ Turns moist blue litmus red      ™ Gas is an acidic gas – may be SO 2
                                              ™ Dense white fumes produced          or HCl.
                                                 when rod dipped in NH OH        ™ Gas formed dense white fumes of
                                                 solution is brought near to it     ammonium chloride.
                                                                                 ™ The gas evolved is hydrogen
                                                   9. NITROGEN DIOXIDE

           Evolves by the                     ™ Brown coloured gas               ™ Cl  is absent.
           ™ action of conc. H SO  on metal   ™ Irritating odour                 ™ Gas may be NO .
              nitrates                        ™ Turns moist blue litmus red      ™ Gas is an acidic gas.
           ™ decomposition of certain metal   ™ Turns potassium iodide (KI)      ™ Gas is an oxidising agent.
              nitrates on heating                paper brown                     ™ The gas evolved is NO .
                                                        10. CHLORINE
           Evolves by the                     ™ Greenish-yellow gas              ™ Gas is chlorine (Cl ).
           ™ action of conc. HCl on manganese  ™ Choking odour                   ™ Gas is chlorine (Cl ).
              dioxide                         ™ It turns moist blue litmus to    ™ It is an oxidising agent.
           ™ action of dilute acids on bleaching   red and  nally bleaches it i.e.,
              powder                             decolourises it
                                              ™ Turns starch-iodide paper blue or  ™ It is stronger oxidising agent than
                                                 blue-black                         iodine. It may be Cl .
                                                                                 ™ The gas evolved is chlorine.

                                                       VIVA VOCE

             1. Name two colourless and odourless gases.
           Ans. Hydrogen, Oxygen.
             2. Name a colourless and odourless gas that turns limewater milky.
           Ans. Carbon dioxide gas turns limewater milky.
             3. Identify a colourless gas having irritating odour and
               (a) turning moist red litmus blue.

                (b) giving dense white fumes when a rod dipped in conc. hydrochloric acid is brought closer to it.
                (c) Write the chemical equation for the reaction that takes place in (b).
           Ans. The gas is ammonia.
                Ammonia gives dense white fumes due to the formation of ammonium chloride.
                      NH (g)        +        HCl(vap)       o          NH CI(s)
                        3                                                 4
                                              moist                   fine particles of
                                                                    ammonium chloride
             4. A gas smells like rotten eggs and turns lead acetate paper silvery black. Identify the gas. Write the chemical equation for
               the reaction.
           Ans. The gas that smells like rotten eggs is hydrogen sulphide (H S).
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