Page 222 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 222

210                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                       'ZRGTKOGPV                        Observations                        Inference
           Result:  ™  The given salt is hydrated zinc nitrate.
                   ™  Gas evolved contains: Water vapour, Nitrogen dioxide and Oxygen.
                   ™  Residue left behind: Zinc oxide (ZnO)
           Reaction:         Zn(NO ) 6H O        o           Zn(NO )          +       6H O
                                    3 2
                             zinc nitrate hydrate          zinc nitrate (anhydrous)      water
                                               heat strongly
                                2Zn(NO )      o             2ZnO(s)         +      4NO (g)      +    O (g)
                                       3 2
                                zinc nitrate                    zinc oxide           nitrogen dioxide      oxygen
                                                 4. AMMONIUM CHLORIDE
           ™  Observe the salt and its colour  ™  White crystalline solid with   ™  It may be a compound of
                                                 ammoniacal odour.                  ammonia.
           ™  Heat the salt and identify the gas   ™  On heating, it sublimes forming   ™  It may be ammonium chloride.
              evolved                            dense white fumes.
                                              ™  The gas evolved is ammoniacal
                                                 and irritating.
                                              ™  The white fumes on cooling
                                                 form white powdery mass on the
                                                 cooler part of the test tube.
           ™  Residue, if any                 ™  No residue is left behind.      ™  The given substance/salt is
                                                                                    COOQPKWO EJNQTKFG
           Reaction:            NH Cl(s)         o            NH (g)          +       HCl(g)
                             ammonium chloride                  ammonia             hydrogen chloride
                                                       .'#& ++  0+64#6'
           ™  Observe the salt and its colour  ™  Heavy, white crystalline solid.  ™  May be a salt of lead.
           ™  Heat the salt and identify the gas   ™  On strong heating, it crumbles   ™  May be a salt of lead.
              evolved                            with a crackling noise.
                                              ™  Reddish-brown gas evolves. It   ™  The evolved gas is nitrogen
                                                 turns moist blue litmus paper red.  dioxide.
                                              ™  When a glowing wooden splinter   ™  The evolved gas is a OKZVWTG QH
                                                 is held in the reddish-brown gas,   NO  and O .
                                                 it starts burning with  ame.
                                              ™  The residue is reddish-brown    ™  Residue is NGCF ++  QZKFG.
                                                 when hot. On cooling, it changes
                                                 to yellow.

           ™  Examine the residue             ™  The yellow residue appear partly   ™  6JG IKXGP UCNV KU NGCF ++  PKVTCVG
                                                 fused into glass.
           Reaction:           2Pb(NO ) (s)      o            2PbO(s)         +      4NO (g)      +    O (g)
                                      3 2
                               lead(II) nitrate               lead(II) oxide         nitrogen dioxide      oxygen
                                                   EXPERIMENT 2.2


          To study the action of heat on some coloured substances/salts
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