Page 221 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 221

Chemistry Practicals                                                                                 209

                                                   EXPERIMENT 2.1

          To study the action of heat on some colourless (or white) salts

                      'ZRGTKOGPV                        Observations                        Inference
                                                   1. ZINC CARBONATE
           ™  Observe colour of the salt     ™  White amorphous powder
           ™  Heat the salt and identify the   ™  Decomposes to yield
             characteristics of the evolved gas     y a colourless, odourless gas  ™  Cl  and NO  are absent.
             and the residue left                  y gas turns blue litmus to red  ™  Gas is acidic.
                                                   y gas extinguishes a glowing   ™  Gas does not support combustion.
                                                  splinter                      ™  Gas evolved is CO .
           ™  Residue is yellow when hot, and      y gas turns limewater milky  ™  4GUKFWG KU \KPE QZKFG  <P1
             white when cold
          Reaction:             ZnCO (s)        o            ZnO(s)          +          CO (g)
                                     3                                                       2
                                                    2. WASHING SODA
           ™  Observe the salt and its colour  ™  White crystalline solid.      ™  Gas evolved is water vapour.
           ™  Heat the salt and identify the   ™  The steamy vapour condenses on
             vapour formed/gas evolved          the cooler part of the test tube to
                                                form tiny droplets of a colourless
                                             ™  The colourless liquid when added  ™  The evolved gas is water vapour.
                                                to white anhydrous copper
                                                sulphate turns it blue.
           ™  Residue                        ™  White amorphous residue is left.  ™  4GUKFWG KU UQFKWO ECTDQPCVG
                                                                                ™  Substance is washing soda.
          Reaction:          Na CO 10H O        o            Na CO 3         +           10H O
                               washing soda                 sodium carbonate               water
                                                                                      (goes out as vapour)
                                                3. ZINC NITRATE CRYSTALS
           ™  Observe the salt and its colour  ™  White crystalline deliquescent   ™  May be a salt of zinc.
           ™  Heat the salt and identify the    solid.
             vapour formed/gas evolved       ™  It melts to form a white sticky   ™  Hydrated salt.
                                                mass which gives off steamy
                                             ™  On strong heating, the white    ™  It must be a nitrate salt.
                                                residue gives off reddish-brown
                                             ™  The reddish-brown fumes turn    ™  The evolved gas is NO .
                                                moist blue litmus red.
           ™  Introduce a glowing wooden     ™  The splinter bursts into  ame.  ™  Reddish-brown gas is NO  mixed
             splinter in the reddish-brown                                         with oxygen.           2
           ™  Examine the residue in hot and   ™  Residue is pale-yellow when hot   ™  4GUKFWG KU \KPE QZKFG  <P1
             cold                               and changes to a white colour on
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