Page 211 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 211

Atmospheric Pollution                                                                                199

                                      Let us Answer Some More Questions

             1.  Name the substance that causes pollution in atmosphere.
             2. De ne the term ‘environment’.
             3.  Mention various types of environmental pollution.
             4.  Give two examples each of the (a) Biodegradable pollutants (b) Nonbiodegradable pollutants.
             5.  Which of the following are secondary pollutants?
                 Decaying organic matter, Sulphur dioxide, Sulphuric acid, Hydrocarbons, Peroxyacetyl nitrate.

             6.  (a)  To which part of the atmosphere we refer to while talking about the atmospheric pollution?
                 (b)  Describe the part of atmosphere referred to in part (a).
             7.  Name two each of the following regarding the air:
                 (a)  Major components     (b)  Minor components     (c)  Trace components.
             8.  (a)  What are air pollutants?    (b) Name two each of (i) Gaseous pollutant (ii) Particulate pollutants
             9. (a)  Name two each of the natural and manmade sources of air pollutants.
                 (b)  Name the pollutants released during the burning of fossil fuels.
             10.  (a)  What is meant by the general term NO ?
                 (b)  Which oxide of nitrogen participates in the formation of photochemical smog?
                 (c)  Which chemical species are destroyer of ozone?
             11.  Name the health problems caused by the following pollutants:
                 (i) CO  (ii) Lead particulates  (iii) Hydrogen sulphide  (iv) NO 2
             12.  (a)  Why is tropospheric pollution also called air pollution?

                 (b)  In which layer of the atmosphere, the ozone layer lies?
                 (c)  Why is carbon monoxide deadly poisonous?
             13.  (a)  Name the primary and secondary pollutants that result in the formation of chemical smog.
                 (b)  How does the chemical smog affect human beings?
                 (c)  How can the formation of smog be minimised?
             14.  (a)  What is acid rain?
                 (b)  What causes acid rain?
                 (c)  What is the effect of acid rain on
                    (i) Buildings made of lime/marble,     (ii) Metallic (e.g. iron) structures?
             15.  (a)  What is meant by global warming?

                 (b)  What are greenhouse gases? Which greenhouse gas contributes most towards global warming?
                 (c)  Why is natural greenhouse effect necessary for life on the earth?
             16.  (a)  Describe in brief the adverse effects of the global warming.
                 (b)  Suggest ways to minimise the effect of global warming.
             17.  (a)  What is the function of ozone layer?
                (b)  What is meant by ozone hole?
                 (c)  Where was an ozone hole detected for the  rst time?.
             18.  (a)  What is mean by destruction (or depletion) of the ozone layer?
                 (b)  Which chemical species are responsible for the destruction of ozone layer?
                 (c)  Suggest steps to minimise the ozone destruction.
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