Page 86 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 86

74                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9
                                                   Š Soft water when passed through pipe lines does not leave mineral
                                                   deposits on the inner surfaces of the pipes. This allows pipelines
                                                   to remain undamaged.

                                             ƒ  Disadvantages of soft water. Soft water is almost totally devoid of
                                                essential minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. This de ciency
                                                of minerals is known to have caused heart ailments and/or coronary

                                           What do you mean by hard water
                                           Water which does not form lather with soap or soap solution is called hard
                                           water. Hard water forms curdy precipitate with soap.
                                                Hardness of water is due to the presence of dissolved calcium and
                                           magnesium bicarbonates, sulphates and chlorides in it.
                                             ƒ  Advantages of Hard Water.  The  National Academy of Sciences
                                                suggest that somewhat hard water is good for health because it
                                                supplements the required minerals like calcium and magnesium.
                                             ƒ  Disadvantages of Hard Water.
                                                   Š Hard water does not give quick and good lather with soap.
                                                   Š Hard water leaves some minerals on the skin, leading to dryness
                                                   and roughness. Such invisible layer of minerals prevent the
                                                   removal of harmful bacteria from the skin while washing. The
                                                   soap curd left behind may cause skin irritation and eruption.
                                                   Š Minerals in hard water combine with dirt in clothes and cannot be
                                                   removed easily during next wash.
                                                   Š Washing hair with hard water leads to reddish ting in tresses
                                                   which is dif cult to remove.
                                                   Š The pipes through which hard water is passed have to be replaced
                                                   more often. This is due to deposit of hard layer of minerals on its
                                                   inner walls, which ultimately leads to choking and corroding of
                                                   the pipe.
                                                   Š If hard water is used in boilers, lime scale is formed on the inner
                                                   wall of the boilers. This increases the consumption of electricity. So,
                                                   the use of hard water in boilers increases expenditure. Apart from
                                                   it, the boiler’s body get corroded and hence require replacement
                                                   of boilers.
                                                Considering the advantages and disadvantages of soft water and hard
                                           water, an ideal water should be a combination of both soft and hard water.

                                           Types and Causes of Hardness
                                           There are two types of hardness of water:  Temporary hardness and
                                           Permanent hardness.
                                             ƒ  Temporary hardness. Water is said to be temporary hard
                                                when it contains calcium and magnesium bicarbonates [or
                                                hydrogencarbonates, Ca(HCO ) , Mg(HCO ) ]. This type of hardness
                                                                                          3 2
                                                                              3 2
                                                can be easily removed simply by boiling.
                                                        Ca(HCO ) (aq)    o CaCO (s)p +  H O(l) +  CO (g)
                                                                 3 2
                                             ƒ  Permanent hardness. Water is said to be permanent hard when it
                                                contains sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium, (CaCl ,
                                                CaSO , MgCl , MgSO ). Permanent hardness cannot be removed by
                                                boiling. Permanent hardness can be removed by adding washing
                                                soda solution (dropwise) to the water.
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