Page 91 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 91

Water                                                                                                 79

                                                Illustrative Questions

            Q.1.  Which of the following pairs will give displacement reactions?
                 (a)  NaCl solution and copper metal
                (b) MgCl  solution and aluminium metal
                (c) FeSO  solution and silver metal
                (d) AgNO  solution and copper metal
            Ans.  The correct answer is (d).
                 Copper is more reactive than silver. So, it displaces silver from AgNO  solution.
                   2AgNO (aq)     +   Cu(s)    o       2Ag(s)   +     Cu(NO ) (aq)
                                                                             3 2
                    silver nitrate      copper           silver        copper(II) nitrate
            Q.2.  Name some habitats which are provided to organisms by water.
            Ans.  All water bodies, such as seas, lakes, rivers and ponds, are good habitats for many organisms.
            Q.3.  Name one metallic element and one nonmetallic element which are obtained on a large scale generally from sea
            Ans.  Metals obtained from sea water: Sodium, Magnesium
                 Nonmetals obtained from sea water: Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine.

                                                   ASSIGNMENT 4
                  Chemical properties of water, Activity series of metals on the basis of their reactivity with water, Importance of
                     water, Hydrated substances, Anhydrous substances, Deliquescent substances, Soft water and hard water

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                                      Let us Answer Some More Questions

             1.  In what forms does the water occur in nature?

             2.  Draw the structure of water molecule.
             3.  Name one each of (a) aqueous solution (b) nonaqueous solution.
             4.  Name two coloured hydrated salts. Give their chemical formulae also.
             5.  Name the metals which can react with cold water. Write the corresponding chemical equations.
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