Page 92 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 92

80                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9
              6.  Name one metal each belonging to the following categories:
                  (a)  Which appears above hydrogen in the reactivity series.
                  (b)  Which appears below hydrogen in the reactivity series.
              7.  Mention the importance of water for plants.
              8.  What makes the water molecule polar?
              9.  Draw density vs. temperature graph for water for –10°C to 20°C.
             10.  (a)  How is saturated solution of common salt at room temperature prepared?
                  (b)  What happens when a saturated solution is heated?
             11.  Draw the solubility curve for potassium nitrate in water.
             12.  (a)  What is meant by dissolved oxygen?
                  (b)  How is it important for the living organisms?
             13.  (a)  Name metals which react with steam producing hydrogen gas.
                  (b)   Describe the reaction for one of these metals by writing the chemical equation and giving all the reaction
             14.  (a)  What is the reactivity series of metals?
                  (b)  Arrange the metals Zn, Mg, Al, Cu and Fe in the decreasing order of reactivity.
             15.  Why is water considered a compound?
             16.  (a)  Describe the anomalous behaviour of water.
                  (b)  What is the role of this behaviour in nature?
             17. (a)  De ne solubility of a solute in a solvent.
                  (b)  How does solubility of a gas and a solid vary with a rise in temperature?
             18.  (a)  Why is the aqueous solution of sodium carbonate alkaline in nature?
                  (b)  Describe the chemical reaction with the help of its chemical equation.
             19.  What are the characteristics of drinking water?
             20.  You are given samples of three metals, sodium, magnesium and copper. Suggest any two activities to arrange
                them in the order of their decreasing reactivity.
             21.  Name a fuel which is produced from water.
             22. Tick (9) the correct answer.
                 (i)  Who showed that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen combined in the ratio of 2 : 1 by volume?
                    (a) Lavoisier                                                                                ‰
                    (b) H. Cavendish                                                                             ‰
                    (c) M. Faraday                                                                               ‰
                    (d) Priestley                                                                                ‰
                (ii)  Density of water is maximum at
                    (a) 0°C                                                                                      ‰
                    (b) –10°C                                                                                    ‰
                    (c) 10°C                                                                                     ‰
                    (d) 4°C                                                                                      ‰
                (iii)  Which of the following properties of water enables it to moderate temperature at a place?
                    (a) speci c heat capacity                                                                    ‰
                    (b)  latent heat of vaporisation                                                             ‰
                    (c) freezing point                                                                           ‰
                    (d) polar character                                                                          ‰
                (iv)  The size of the solute particles in a true solution is of the order of
                    (a) 10  m                                                                                    ‰
                    (b) 10  m                                                                                    ‰
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