Page 95 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 95


                             Atomic Structure and

                                 Chemical Bonding

                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Electrical nature of matter:   ƒ  The structure of atom          ƒ  Chemical reactivity and
               Discharge tube experiments       ƒ  Rutherford’s nuclear model       electronic configuration
              ƒ  Cathode rays                     of atom                         ƒ  Octet rule
              ƒ  J. J. Thomson’s experiment     ƒ  Böhr’s model of atom           ƒ  Electrovalent Bond
               and the discovery of electron    ƒ  Nuclear composition:           ƒ  Structures of some
              ƒ  Positive rays (anode rays or     The atomic nucleus                electrovalent compounds
               canal rays)                      ƒ  Valence electrons and valency  ƒ  Covalent Bond
              ƒ  The proton                     ƒ  Isotopes                       ƒ  Structures of some covalent
              ƒ  The neutron                    ƒ  Fractional atomic masses         compounds and molecules

                                         Highlight the past and   TOPIC-WISE             Provide the first step in
                BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   ASSIGNMENTS            testing your learning

                                        Help develop your                                Enable you to measure
                ILLUSTRATIVE            understanding for the   LET US ANSWER SOME
                QUESTIONS               topics studied          MORE QUESTIONS           your conceptual

                                                                Helps you to reflect back
                                       LET US SAY IT AGAIN      on what you have learned
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