Page 90 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 90

78                                                                                      ICSE Chemistry – 9

                                           What are the common uses of water
                                           Various common uses of water are given below:
                                             ƒ  For drinking purposes
                                             ƒ  For washing, bathing, cooking, etc.
                                             ƒ  For construction purposes
                                             ƒ  For the generation of steam for industrial use and electricity generation
                                             ƒ  For generating hydroelectricity
                                             ƒ  For the manufacture of hydrogen, oxygen and water gas
                                             ƒ  As a solvent
                                             ƒ  For irrigation purposes

                                           What are the characteristics of drinking water
                                           (or potable water)
                                           Following are the characteristics of drinking water:
                                             ƒ  Drinking water should be colourless and odourless.
                                             ƒ  It should also be free from;
                                                   Š any suspended impurities
                                                   Š any harmful germs
                                                   Š large quantity of salts
                                                   Š any harmful salt, such as nitrates, cyanides and urea.

                                           International standards for drinking water
                                           The quality of drinking water can be assessed for certain parameters.
                                           The International standards (WHO) for drinking water are given in
                                           Table 3.2.

                                      Table 3.2  International standards (WHO) for drinking water
                                           Maximum permissible limit
                     Parameter                                                           Remarks
                                              WHO standard (mg/L)
            1.  Colour                             Colourless
               Odour                               Odourless
               Taste                                Tasteless
             2.  pH (at 20°C)                       6.5 – 9.2           Lower pH increases the solubility of metals as
            3.  Dissolved oxygen                    4.0 – 6.0           metal ions.
             4.  Total dissolved solids               500
            5.  Chloride                              500
            6.  Sulphate                              250               Have laxative effect.
             7.  Nitrate + Nitrite                     45               Can cause methaemoglobinema in infants.
            8.  Fluoride                              1–10              Concentration of 1.5 mg/L is needed to prevent
                                                                        tooth decay. Higher concentration (>10 mg/L)
                                                                        is harmful.
            9.  Lead                                   0.1              At higher concentration, it causes damage to
                                                                        brain, kidneys, lever and nervous system.

            10.  Zinc                                  5
            11.  Iron                                  1.0
            12.  Cadmium                              0.01
            13.  Ammonia                               0.5
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