Page 28 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 28

16                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10
                                           Then                         N = A – P
                                              0Q  QH PGWVTQPU KP CP CVQO   /CUU PQ  Ō 0Q  QH RTQVQPU KP VJCV CVQO
                                             ƒ  The number of protons (P) inside the nucleus of an atom is equal to
                                                the atomic number (Z  QH VJCV GNGOGPV

                                       Table 1.3  Nuclear composition of first twenty elements
                       Element                                                   Number of
                                               Atomic     Mass number                                   A/P ratio
                  Symbol        Name         number (Z)        (A)       Neutrons (N)   Protons (P)
                                                                                       (or Electrons)
             1.   H        Hydrogen               1             1             0              1            1
             2.   He       Helium                 2             4             2              2            2
             3.   Li       Lithium                3             7             4              3            2  +  1

             4.   Be       Beryllium              4             9             5              4            2  +  1
             5.   B        Boron                  5            11             6              5            2 + 1

             6.   C        Carbon                 6            12             6              6            2
             7.   N        Nitrogen               7            14             7              7            2
             8.   O        Oxygen                 8            16             8              8            2

             9.   F        Fluorine               9            19             10             9            2 + 1
            10.   Ne       Neon                  10            20             12            10            2

            11.   Na       Sodium                11            23             10            11            2 + 1
            12.   Mg       Magnesium             12            24             12            12            2
            13.   Al       Aluminium             13            27             14            13            2 + 1

            14.   Si       Silicon               14            28             14            14            2
            15.   P        Phosphorus            15            31             16            15            2 + 1
            16.   S        Sulphur               16            32             16            16            2

            17.   Cl       Chlorine              17            35             18            17            2 + 1
            18.   Ar       Argon                 18            40             22            18            2  +  4
            19.   K        Potassium             19            39             20            19            2 + 1

            20.   Ca       Calcium               20            40             20            20            2

                                                6JG  PWENGCT  EQORQUKVKQPU  HQT  ſTUV      GNGOGPVU   NKIJVGT  GNGOGPVU
                                           VCDWNCVGF KP 6CDNG     UJQY VJG HQNNQYKPI EQTTGNCVKQPU
                                             ƒ  The elements containing even number of protons have their mass
                                                numbers which are double VJG CVQOKE PWODGT  K G   A = 2Z  $G CPF
                                                #T CTG VJG GZEGRVKQPU
                                             ƒ  The elements containing  odd number of protons have their mass
                                                PWODGTU VYKEG VJG CVQOKE PWODGT RNWU QPG   K G   A = 2Z
                                                 * CPF 0 CTG GZEGRVKQPU

                                           Alkali Metals and Halogens

                                           A facile comparison between the properties of alkali metals and halogens
                                           KU IKXGP KP 6CDNG
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