Page 30 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 30

18                                                                                     ICSE Chemistry – 10
                                                    (b)  The ionisation energy decreases in going from top to bottom in a
                                                       ITQWR  CPF KV KPETGCUGU KP IQKPI HTQO NGHV VQ TKIJV KP C RGTKQF  K G

                                                      So, the element at the top of the group on the extreme right (excluding
                                                    PQDNG ICUGU  YKNN JCXG VJG JKIJGUV KQPKUCVKQP GPGTI[  6JGTGHQTG  atom of
                                                    element B is the smallest

                                            y DW>  ϭ͘Ϯ͘  Given below are some elements with their atomic radii:
                                                     Element            Cs     Li      K     Rb     Na
                                                     Atomic radii (Å)
                                                            Infer, to which group of the periodic table they belong, and
                                                          how does the atomic radius vary from top to the bottom in a
                                                          group of the periodic table.
                                           Solution: 6JGUG GNGOGPVU DGNQPI VQ )TQWR   QH VJG RGTKQFKE VCDNG  6JGUG GNGOGPVU
                                           are arranged in the group as shown below:

                                                     Element            Li     Na      K     Rb     Cs
                                                     Atomic radii (Å)
                                           Thus, the atomic radius increases in going from top to bottom in a group of the
                                           RGTKQFKE VCDNG
                                            y DW>  ϭ͘ϯ͘   Given alongside is a part of the periodic table:
                      >ŝ    Ğ                             As we move vertically downward from Li to Fr:
                      EĂ                                  (a) What happens to the size of the atom?
                      K                                   (b) What happens to their metallic character?
                      Zď                   Solution: When we move vertically downward from Li to Fr,
                       Ɛ                             C  VJG CVQOKE UK\G KPETGCUGU  K G   (T KU VJG DKIIGUV CVQO
                      Fr   ZĂ                        D  VJG OGVCNNKE EJCTCEVGT KPETGCUGU  K G   (T KU VJG OQUV OGVCNNKE GNGOGPV

                                            y DW>  ϭ͘ϰ͘  Given below is a part of the periodic table:
                                                        Li     Be      B      C      N      O       F
                                                        Na     Mg     Al      Si     P       S     Cl
                                                          As we move horizontally from left to right:
                                                          (a) What happens to the metallic character of the elements?
                                                          (b) What happens to the atomic size?
                                           Solution: (a)  When we move horizontally from left to right, the metallic character
                                                      FGETGCUGU  K G   VJGUG GNGOGPVU HQNNQY VJG QTFGT
                                                        Li     Be      B      C      N      O       F
                                                        Na     Mg     Al      Si     P       S     Cl
                                                                  metallic character decreases
                                                    (b)  When we move horizontally from left to right, the atomic size
                                                       FGETGCUGU  5Q

                                                        Li     Be      B      C      N      O       F
                                                        Na     Mg     Al      Si     P       S     Cl
                                                                    atomic radius decreases
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