Page 113 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 113


                              Analytical Chemistry

                                                    TOPICS COVERED

              ƒ  Analytical chemistry and       ƒ  Action of ammonium             ƒ  Action of sodium hydroxide
               chemical analysis                  hydroxide on certain metallic     on ammonium salts
              ƒ  Colour of the salts and their    salt solutions                  ƒ  Action of alkalis on certain
               solutions                        ƒ  Action of ammonium               metals
              ƒ  Action of sodium hydroxide       hydroxide on copper sulphate    ƒ  Action of acids/alkalis on
               solution on certain metallic       solution                          metal oxides
               salt solutions

                                         Highlight the past and   TOPIC-WISE             Provide the first step in
                BOXED FEATURES           future developments in   ASSIGNMENTS            testing your learning

                                         Enable you to measure
                LET US ANSWER SOME       your conceptual        QUESTIONS FROM           Help you to practise your
                MORE QUESTIONS           understanding          BOARD PAPERS             exam skills

                                                               Helps you to reflect back
                                      LET US SAY IT AGAIN      on what you have learned
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