Page 123 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 123

Analytical Chemistry                                                                                 109

                                           Questions from Board Papers

           Q 1.  State your observation for the following cases:                                          [ICSE 2010]
                (i)  Glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide is brought near the mouth of the concentrated hydrochloric acid
            Q 2.  Sodium hydroxide solution is added to the solutions containing the ions mentioned in List X. List Y gives the
                details of the precipitate. Match the ions with their coloured precipitates.              [ICSE 2011]
                                                  List X      List Y
                                            (i)   Pb 2+       A. Reddish brown
                                            (ii)  Fe 2+       B. White insoluble in excess
                                            (iii)  Zn 2+      C. Dirty green
                                            (iv)  Fe 3+       D. White soluble in excess
                                            (v)   Cu 2+       E. White soluble in excess
                                            (vi)  Ca 2+       F. Blue
            Q 3.  Identify the anion present in the following compounds:                                  [ICSE 2012]
                 (i)   When a solution of compound Y is treated with silver nitrate solution a white precipitate is obtained which
                   is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide solution.
            Q 4.  Give a chemical test to distinguish between the following pair of compounds:            [ICSE 2013]

                 Calcium nitrate solution and zinc nitrate solution.
            Q 5. State two relevant observations for each of the following:                               [ICSE 2013]
                (i)  Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to copper (II) nitrate solution in small quantities and then in excess.
                (ii)  Ammonium hydroxide solution is added to zinc nitrate solution in minimum quantities and then in excess.

               (iii)  Lead nitrate crystals are heated in a hard glass test tube.
            Q 6.  Distinguish between the following pairs of compounds using test given within brackets:   [ICSE 2014]
                (i)   Iron(II) sulphate and iron(III) sulphate (using ammonium hydroxide)
                (ii)   A lead salt and a zinc salt (using excess ammonium hydroxide)
            Q 7.  State your observation in the following case:                                           [ICSE 2014]

                 When excess sodium hydroxide is added to calcium nitrate solution.
            Q 8.   The following table shows the tests a student performed on four different aqueous solutions which are X, Y, Z
                and W. Based on the observations provided, identify the cation present:                   [ICSE 2015]
          Chemical test                       Observation                         Conclusion

          To solution X, ammonium hydroxide is  A dirty white precipitate is formed  (i)
          CFFGF KP OKPKOWO SWCPVKV[ ſTUV CPF  which dissolves in excess to form a
          then in excess.                     clear solution.
          To solution Y, ammonium hydroxide is  A pale blue precipitate is formed which  (ii)
          CFFGF KP OKPKOWO SWCPVKV[ ſTUV CPF  dissolves in excess to form a clear inky
          then in excess.                     blue solution.

          To solution W, a small quantity of  A white precipitate is formed which  (iii)
          sodium hydroxide solution is added  remains insoluble.
          and then in excess.
          To a salt Z, calcium hydroxide solution  A pungent smelling gas turning moist  (iv)
          is added and then heated.           red litmus paper blue is obtained.
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