Page 145 - Chemistry ICSE Class X
P. 145

Mole Concept and Stoichiometry                                                                       131

          What is meant by gram-ion mass
          In terms of the mole concept, the gram-ion mass of an ion is equal to the
          mass (in gram units) of 6.02 × 10  ions of that type. Since the number
          6.02 × 10  is termed as the Avogadro’s number of that ion,
                1 gram-ionic mass = 1 gram-ion = Mass of 6.02 × 10  ions = Mass of Avogadro’s number of that ions
                                                   ASSIGNMENT 3

                              Atomic and relative atomic masses, Molecular mass and relative molecular mass,
                                       Formula mass, Gram-atomic mass, Gram-molecular mass

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          Composition of a Compound

          ratio. The composition of a compound can be described by the  mass
          percentage of each element present in it. This may be determined by any of
          the methods described below.

          How to determine the composition of a compound
          Composition of a compound is commonly expressed as the mass percentage
          of each element present in it. To determine the mass percentage of an element
          in any compound, we should know the mass of that element present in a
          certain known mass of the compound.
              Let us suppose, W g of a compound contain w g of an element A.
              Mass percentage of the element A =   Mass of element A   × 100
                                               Mass of the compound
                                               w g         w
                                             =      × 100 =    × 100
                                               W g         W
              To do this, a known mass of the compound is chemically analysed, and
          the mass of each element present in it is determined by a suitable chemical
          EXAMPLE 5.16.  5.85 g of a compound contains 3.55 g of chlorine, and 2.30 g of
          sodium. Determine the mass percentage of sodium and chlorine in the compound.
          Solution:  Mass of the compound  = 5.85 g
                          Mass of sodium  = 2.30 g
                         Mass of chlorine  = 3.55 g

                Mass percentage of sodium  =   Mass of sodium    × 100 =   2.30 g   × 100 = 39.3
                                           Mass of the compound         5.85 g
                                              Mass of chlorine          3.55 g
               Mass percentage of chlorine  =                    × 100 =       × 100 = 60.7
                                           Mass of the compound         5.85 g
          Thus, mass percentage of sodium and chlorine in the given compound are 39.3 and 60.7, respectively.
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