Page 107 - Chemistry ICSE Class IX
P. 107

Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding                                                                 95
               with the lowest energy is  lled  rst and then the orbits of increasing
               energies are  lled.
            ƒ  Then write the numerals denoting the number of electrons in various
               shells starting with the lowest. Each numeral is separated from the
               other by a comma.
              For example, lithium (atomic number 3) has three electrons in its atom.
          According to the 2n  rule:
              The shell corresponding to n = 1 (K-shell) will have 2 electrons and the
          shell corresponding to n = 2 (L-shell) will have 1 electron. Therefore, the
          electronic con guration of lithium is 2, 1. Electronic con guration may also
          be shown through a diagram. For lithium (con guration 2, 1), it is shown
          in Fig. 4.12.
              The distribution of electrons in various orbits and the electronic
          con gurations in the notation form for the   rst twenty elements are
          presented in Table 4.2.

                                  Table 4.2  The electronic configurations of the first twenty elements
                                        Electronic distribution in
           Atomic                            various shells         Electronic
           number   Name and symbol   (n = 1)  (n = 2)  (n = 3)  (n = 4)  EQPſIWTCVKQP   Valency       Nature
                     of the element
                                       K      L      M       N        form)
              1    Hydrogen    (H)     1                             1                      +1, –1 Nonmetal
              2    Helium      (He)    2                             2                          0 Noble gas
              3    Lithium     (Li)    2      1                      2,   1                    +1 Metal

              4    Beryllium    (Be)   2      2                      2,   2                    +2 Metal
              5    Boron       (B)     2      3                      2,   3                    +3 Metalloid
              6    Carbon      (C)     2      4                      2,   4                    +4 Nonmetal (solid)
              7    Nitrogen    (N)     2      5                      2,   5     +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, –3 Nonmetal (gas)
              8    Oxygen      (O)     2      6                      2,   6                    –2 Nonmetal (gas)

              9    Fluorine    (F)     2      7                      2,   7                    –1 Nonmetal (gas)
             10    Neon        (Ne)    2      8                      2,   8                     0 Noble gas
             11    Sodium      (Na)    2      8       1              2,   8,   1               +1 Metal
             12    Magnesium   (Mg)    2      8       2              2,   8,   2               +2 Metal

             13    Aluminium  (Al)     2      8       3              2,   8,   3               +3 Metal
             14    Silicon     (Si)    2      8       4              2,   8,   4               +4 Metalloid
             15    Phosphorus  (P)     2      8       5              2,   8,   5            +3, +5 Nonmetal (solid)
             16    Sulphur     (S)     2      8       6              2,   8,   6         +2, +4, +6 Nonmetal (solid)
             17    Chlorine    (Cl)    2      8       7              2,   8,   7               –1 Nonmetal (gas)

             18    Argon       (Ar)    2      8       8              2,   8,   8                0 Noble gas
             19    Potassium   (K)     2      8       8      1       2,  8,  8,  1             +1 Metal
             20    Calcium     (Ca)    2      8       8      2       2,  8,  8,  2             +2 Metal

              Electronic con gurations of some elements in pictorial form are shown in Fig. 4.13. The number in
          brackets is the atomic number of the respective element. The numbers in the innermost circle show the
          composition of the nucleus.
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